First adventure

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Today, Tobi and Zetsu spied on Konan-san! And let me tell ya, it was the most horrible thing Tobi witnessed! ('・ω・')

At first, Konan-san was doing some work! Tobi doesn't know what it was, but it must've been important! After she was done, she began to... REMOVE HER CLOTHES! ∑(゚Д゚)
Tobi wanted to run away, but Zetsu forced Tobi to stay! If Tobi wouldn't have stayed, Zetsu would have eaten his cookies! So Tobi stayed. (◞‸◟) Seeing Konan naked was horrible! Tobi thought he was about to puke :(
It seemed like Zetsu enjoyed watching, because he took a lot of pictures and he had a major nose bleed the whole time!
Gross talking plant thingy... (。┰ω┰。)

The lesson is: Never spy on someone with Zetsu *gets ice cream and eats it*

Tobi's adventures! (ノ゚0゚)ノ~ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora