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The 2 main Characters•
•Annie Leblanc
Junior year. (11th grade)
Moved to this highschool last year. She's new.
Gets bullied.
Was dating haydensumerall for a couple of months.
Hates Kenzie Ziegler.
Doesn't have many friends.
The only friend she has is jack Dylan grazer
Doesn't forgive easily
An b student.
Has an brother (Caleb is alive in this book:))
Has an sister:)
Has been through a lot. ( you will find out what she's been through in this chapter:) don't worry)
Was one of the most popular guys.
He use to be charming, sweet, funny,
But an heartbreak changed his life. And something even deeper
He's an junior. (11th grade)
He's 16.
He's now the typical bad boy. He's still funny though.
He barely talks to anyone.
He's smart. He's an a student. But nobody cares.
He's hot. Obviously.
The only person he talks to is finnwolfhard.
Gets angry easily
Is very protective
He has an twin sister (Lauren Orlando) they don't look alike but they are twins. Johnny is older:)
Was dating Kenzie Ziegler.
He has tattoos.
Has an good heart.
Doesn't give a fuck.
Gets in trouble a lot.
There are other characters but they aren't the main so y'all don't need to know A lot about them:) let's start the story!
Annie's POV
Summer is over. Tomorrow she has to face
Hell. She sighs. She doesn't have the power to fight Kenzie Ziegler and her minions. She's literally done with them. She wants to graduate highschool ASAP.
Annie: I also have to face Hayden tomorrow.
Annie: am I even ready.
Annie: I don't want to seem weak in front of him. But I feel broken when he's snogging Kenzie.
Annie sighs
Annie: I hate my life.
Annie: why can't I Just get over Hayden. Ugh. It's so hard. Annie yells.
Caleb who's passing by in the halls hears Annie yelling and decides to come in Annie's room.
Caleb: Annie? Why the hell are you yelling. Caleb sits on Annie's bed.
Annie gets up from her bed (she was laying down) and sits up.
Annie: I don't want to go to school. I hate it.
Caleb: doesn't everyone hate it?
Caleb: Annie why are you even worried?
Annie: I don't want to face Kenzie and her minions plus Hayden.
Caleb sighs
Caleb: your still not over him? Annie. Cmon. He's an asshole. You deserve better.
Annie: well it's hard to get rid of these feelings. We dated for an while. Plus me and Hayden use to be best friends in middle school. Me, Hayden and jack use to be so close. I had an crush on him since middle school. It's hard.
Caleb rolls his eyes
Caleb: Hayden actually use to be nice back then. Now he's just an asshole. Has he ever defended you when Kenzie and her so called minions bullied you.
Annie: no.. he just told me to ignore them and told me they aren't worth it.
Caleb: exactly. Annie. He changed. In middle school, he actually cared about you. But now he doesn't. He Just used you. And you need to understand that he's an complete douchebag who doesn't deserve you.
Annie: maybe, your right.
Caleb: and Annie. Just stand up to Kenzie and her minions. You are an strong girl. Kick some ass. I don't even care if you get suspended. Just stand up for yourself. Your my sister and I know you can face them.
Annie: your the best brother ever.
Caleb: I know *he smiles*
Annie: I wish mom and dad were here with us..
Caleb's smile disappears
Caleb: yeah. But one thing I know is that they would be proud of us.
Annie smiles
Annie: you are right. *annie and Caleb hug*
Hayley comes in
Hayley: what about me
Annie and Caleb laugh
Annie+Caleb: you too Hayley
*they do an group hug*
( Annie's parents are dead. It was an car crash. Was it on purpose or not? You'll find out soon)
It's morning
Annie's alarm on her phone rings
Annie: I fucking hate the sound of this alarm.
Annie eventually gets up.
Annie: I hate my life.
Annie goes in the bathroom and takes a shower. She puts on a sweatshirt and some sweatpants. She brushes her teeth, washes her face with special face wash and puts her hair in an bun.
Annie: I'm ready. I can do this.
Caleb comes in
Caleb: are you ready? We can't be late again
Annie: I'm ready. What about Hayley
Caleb: I just dropped her off (btw all the ages aren't accurate In real life. Hayley is 12 btw and Caleb is 19, they live all by themselves and Caleb is their guardian)
Annie: already?
Caleb: Hayley's school starts way earlier then your's Annie. It literally starts at 7. Yours starts at 9 but you come home later. It's 8:20 right now. We have to hurry.
Annie: okay. What's for breakfast?
Caleb: cereal.
Annie rolls her eyes
Annie: Boring.
Annie sits down on an couch eating her cereal.
Caleb: Annie.
Annie: what?
Caleb: I can't pick you from school today. I have work.
Annie: then who's gonna pick me up? I mean I could walk with jack..
Caleb rolls his eyes
Caleb: you aren't walking. Have you seen the news. Perverts are everywhere. Plus it's cold.
Annie: jack can protect me. And i don't care about the cold.
Caleb: he would probably run away. Anyways. I already asked your jack. Caleb smirks and Annie rolls her eyes
Annie: he isn't my jack.
Caleb: oh is love in the air?
Annie: shut up.
Caleb smirks
Caleb: whatever. Jack has baseball practise so he's not going home till 6. And you don't have any other friends so...
Annie rolls her eyes
Annie: so what?
Caleb: that Orlando kid is gonna drop you home
Annie: who?
Caleb: Johnny Orlando. He's an cool guy. I'm friends With his older sister. She said Johnny has an car so he can drop you off at home.
Annie mumbles
Just great
Annie: that boy is scary Caleb.
Caleb: stop overdramatizing. He's an nice kid.
Annie: he's an asshole.
Caleb: so you hate him?
Annie: not really. We never talk. But he's just so rude to everyone.
Caleb: well I guess you have to tolerate him for a while?
Annie: what do you mean?
Caleb: he's going to drop you home everyday. For the whole year.
Annie: WHAT? WHY?
Caleb: my job times have changed. Well at least for this year. So he's going to drop you home. I can drop you at school though. I think.
Annie: you think? And he's alright with this
Caleb: he wasn't happy about it. But he agreed.
Annie sighs
Annie: can I just walk with jack? He's probably free tomorrow
Caleb: I don't trust jack. I mean yeah I like him. But he gets scared easily. He can't protect you. Plus I don't want my little sis getting tired of walking. Our house is so far away from your school. And I don't want you to get an cold.
Annie: ugh. Atleast you can drop me at school in the morning? Right?
Caleb: yeah I think so. But maybe I can't sometimes. If depends. So get used to seeing Johnny Orlando's face. For now.
Annie: whatever. Can we go now.
Caleb: let's go.
Caleb + Annie In car
Annie: I can't believe you asked Orlando.
Caleb: why is it so unbelievable?
Annie: because he's literally trouble. You don't like trouble. He smokes weed, gets detention everyday and maybe he might be in a gang.
Caleb: I'm aware of that.
Annie: wait so is he actually in an gang? Wtf?
Caleb: I'm not sure about that. But I know he's an troublemaker. But he's nice. So be nice to him
Annie: can't you find someone else.
Caleb: nah. I don't trust other people. I trust his older sister so that's why I agreed.
Annie: whatever.
Caleb: anyways we are here. Stay safe. And remember to stand up. Love you. *caleb hugs annie*
Annie groans
Annie; you too.
Caleb leaves.
Annie gets inside the school and gets to her locker. She sees Johnny Orlando in front of her locker making out with some hoe.
Annie: can you guys find an room.
*Johnny and that hoe ignore Annie*
Annie: y'all are in front of my locker. I have to get my stuff.
*they still ignore her and keep on making out*
Annie is done being nice and yells at them
Annie: get the fuck away from my locker.
They stop making out.
Hoe girl #1: can you shut up looser.
Annie roll your eyes. Those words don't affect her anymore.
Johnny: can't you be nicer? He rolls his eyes
Annie: when I was being nice. You both were so into each other and were fucking ignoring me. So now can you both fucking move.
Johnny: whatever. Um Ashley.
Hoe girl #1: my name is Catherine.
Johnny: I mean Catherine. I'm done with you.
Catherine: what do you mean Johnny?
Johnny: your too boring for my taste. Now run away.
Catherine: are you gonna fuck this looser?
Johnny rolls his eyes
Johnny: no. I'm not. And she isn't a looser. Her name is Annie. Atleast she doesn't fuck every guy like you.
Annie is shook
Catherine: whatever. You have an small dick anyways. Bye. You'll regret saying this.
Johnny: trust me. I won't.
Johnny rolls his eyes.
Annie: um thanks..
Johnny: it wasn't for you. Don't think we are friends or sum shit. I just hate bullies. Anyways. Give me your number.
Annie: why the hell would I give you my number?
Johnny rolls his eyes
Johnny: so you can contact me. I have to drop you home. So if your dumbass can't find my car you can call me. Or I can call you if your late.
Annie nods and gives him his number
Johnny: do you know my sister Lauren?
Annie: I don't talk to her but I know who she is.
Johnny: tell her to come home before 5.
Annie: why?
Johnny: she's going to be going to an party with her friends. I'm not picking her up from there anymore . I'm busy. With something. So tell her that.
Annie rolls her eyes
Annie: can't you tell her yourself.
Johnny: I don't Talk to people like her.
Annie: what do you mean? She's your sister
Johnny: and she's an asshole. Doesn't she bully you?
Annie looks down
Annie: um yeah.
Johnny: nothing to be ashamed of. You don't have to look down. She's an bully. And I don't talk to her anymore. Anyways you ask too many questions. Just tell her that.
Annie: but she bullies me. I can't go near her
Johnny: you have to face her at some point. Stand up for yourself. Stop being an pussy. I can see you are brave. So stop hiding from her and Face her. I think you can do It... whatever Bye.
Johnny leaves
Annie: maybe he isn't bad after all. *annie smiles*
Jack comes to Annie's locker
Jack: hey sis.
Annie: oh hey jack.
Jack: I saw you talking to Johnny Orlando? What's up between you two?
Annie rolls her eyes
Annie: there is nothing between us. He was just in front of my locker making out with some hoe. I just told him off.
*annie doesn't tell jack Johnny is dropping her at home from now on because jack would freak out! (Jack is bisexual btw)*
Jack: oh okay.
Jack: what class do you have first?
Annie: health.
Jack: I have gym. Ugh i fuckin hate the gym teacher. Hopefully it's an easy day.
Annie: I hope so too
Jack: Annie?
Annie: yeah?
Jack: stand up to Kenzie and her minions. Don't let them hurt you. Your amazing.
Annie smiles
Annie: thank you jack
Jack: anytime
*jack And Annie talk about gossip and walk to their classes together*
Annie goes in the health class and realizes there's only one seat left. It's beside Lauren.
She sits down.
Feeling scared.
Lauren smiles at her.
Lauren: hi annie
Annie is shocked
Annie: um hi.
Lauren sighs
Lauren: I know you might be thinking why am I being nice to you. I quit the group. I'm not associating myself with Kenzie and her
Minions. I just bullied people to be popular. But she has ruined a lot of people's life. And I'm done with it. I think bullying is wrong. And I'm sorry for what I did.
Annie is shocked
Annie: you really mean it. I mean are you just playing games with me to humiliate me..
Lauren: no.. I'm not. I'm telling the truth. Look at Kenzie and her minions. I would be sitting with them if I was lying. No member of Kenzie's group ever sits alone.
Annie: your right.
Annie smiles
Annie: it's hard to forgive people for me. But I'll give you an chance.
Lauren smiles
Lauren: thank you Annie.
Lauren hugs her. Annie hugs her back.
Annie: oh and Johnny told me tell you to ask someone else to drop you if your going to that party.
Lauren: I'm not going with kenzie and her minions?
But do you want to go with me. It's Nadia turners party. And she's pretty sweet.
Annie: oh it's not Kenzie's party?
Lauren: no it's actually Nadia's. and Nadia is not popular but she throws the best party's. and she doesn't bully nobody.
Annie: it sounds fun.. but Kenzie, Hayden, and all the people who ruin my life will be there.
Lauren: you have to face them one day. Plus its just for you and me to have fun and get closer. It's for you to enjoy yourself.
Annie: I still don't know
Lauren: please Annie.
Annie smiles
Annie: I'll think about it.
Annie: Lauren I have an question for you? Why doesn't Johnny talk to you! And why is he acting like an asshole. I remember when he was nice..
Lauren sighs. Pain is clearly shown in her eyes
Lauren: Kenzie ruined Johnny's life. And I can't tell you because it's Johnny's personal secret. But it made Johnny change in an bad way. I still sticked with kenzie because I still wanted to be popular. I was selfish and I regret my decision. Johnny was mad at me and from that day he barley talks to me. I hope he forgives me. Me and him were close. And I miss my brother.
Annie: wow. I hope you two clear up your misunderstandings and I hope Johnny becomes the person he was. Even though I don't like him. He's an good person.. I can see that.
Lauren: thank you Annie. Your so forgiving.
Annie: no problem. People who truly regret their mistakes deserve an 2nd chance.
Lauren: moving forward. Who can drop us. And pick us up.
Annie: well Johnny's dropping me from now on.
Lauren: oh? Why?
Annie: my brother can't drop me home So he asked your older sister and your older sister said Johnny can drop me.
Lauren: oh okay. Usually Kenzie just dropped me. So now I have nobody.
Annie: you can come with me. Johnny and you are going to the same house. So he has to agree. He still loves you. Your his sister. He isn't leave you on the road. Alone. He cares about you.
Lauren: what about the party.
Annie: maybe I can convince Johnny to drop and pick us up.
Lauren: you will never convince him *lauren laughs*
Annie: and maybe convince him to come to the party too
Annie smirks
Annie: I have an plan.
The teacher comes in and everyone becomes quiet.

Hopefully you liked it:)

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