Chapter Three doggy druel and lazy ninjas

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"Harumi-Onii-chan!" Sasuke screamed, I couldn't tell if he was happy or extremely pissed off at me, but either way his trembling body clung to mine as he held on for dear life. (Sorry but around Harumi, sasuke is very OC.)  I wrapped my slender arms around him, keeping him close as I readjusted my mask on my face.

"Miss Uchiha, why don't you go out with Sasuke and enjoy a day together. It's been a long time... besides there's no missions today any how."

  "Hai, but don't think that i forgot we will share sake tonight! You pay tonight and I'll pay after my first mission." I said matter of factly only to receive an unaudiable few words then a grunt, all from Tsunade. "Come Sasuke. Time to leave the fans. How about you take me out to your favorite resturant and I'll pay." I said softly, so that only my little Sasu could hear me, who simply nodded his head in understandment.

  He released me and started walking in front of me, making me smirk beneath my mask. He had grown so much that it was hard to believe this young man before me was Sasuke. Once upon a bloody time, Sasu was sweet, cheerful, and warm. He was a true joy to be around, and a wonderful student, with cute child like features. Now on the other hand, he was cold, hard, hatefilled and quiet. He put on a mysterious facade, hid his emotions, and did nothing but train. I was the only one he still loved, and vise versa.

    Sasu stopped and pointed to a restuarant in front of us,and I instantly recognized it. Mother used to bring us here for dinner every Wednesday and Sunday night. A smile spread lightly across my face as I looked at my little Sasu from beneath my mask. "Alright. I will pay." I said softly, before Sasu held his hand up.

   "No, Onii-chan. I'll pay.This is my treat, then we'll  go shopping or something. Whatever girls do." he said quietly, the harsh tone he had barely noticable. I nodded towards him, as we made our way to the table was sat at in the vip section all those years ago.

    A waitress rushed towards our table as I tugged my mask to the side of my face so I could eat. She instantly stopped when she saw my face, and fell to her knees. "Miss....Miss H-Harumi-sama....You're alive... everyone thought...."

  "That I had died? Been kidnapped? Well not quiet, but it is partially true. Now we would like our usual." I said in a harsh tone, my voice cold and emotionless. Even as a child I was always very isolated, except when I was around Sasu, I couldn't help but smile. "Now Sasu, would you like to know what happened after the masacar?" I asked softly.

   "Of course you Baka. What a stupid question." he grumbled, but I could tell that everyone of his nerves were prickling which caused a smirk to form on my face.

   "I ran Sasuke. I ran as hard and far as I could, away from the Uchiha compound and the leaf village. I ran from our home till I collapsed. I was scared, no terrified that Itachi would be coming after me.. I thought he had killed you... that you were dead, and I did nothing to save you. That I was too weak, so I laid there on the ground waiting for my turn to die.... When a man... he looked like a snake, Sasuke," I shivered," He found me and took me, making me his right hand. I worked for him and he worked on me, tested me and injected me with different things. As the only female in the Uchiha clan to ever possess Sharingan, he wanted me. He made me strong and fearless, he made me into a person who was ready to kill in a split seconds notice.

    He injected me with the first and third Hokage's blood, and trained me, forced me to practice till I mastered them without breaking a sweat. After that he bit me numerous times, gifting me with the Curse mark, two to be exact. He said they were yin and yangs, by having them both it balances me and my powers, increases my chakra. Sasuke, he made me stronger than any man with a full Sharingan in our entire clan. He would train me, test me, until I passed out, and I loved every moment, but not once would I call him lord or master, which ultimately pissed off his left hand man, Kabuto.

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