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Without it, your mental health will slip
Friends will be with you on life's warship
Friends are your saviors

The closest kinship
Make sure you hold it with a grip
Never let it go

It's a commitment and a membership
Sometimes it can be a hardship
But you'll make it through

When the boat begins to tip
Or if you somehow trip
Hold on to them until the end and fall together

A/N This was for school, but I'm also talking about specific people in this. It'll make more sense if I explain it. So, I'm an ambivert (if you don't know what that is, it's a mix between an extrovert and an introvert), so I usually hang out with multiple groups of people. One of my closest groups, which I call 'The Circle', has been 'together' for about a year and we're all very close. So, at the beginning of this school year, 2 of the people in our group stopped hanging out with us. We'll call them, Jeremy and Dave. Jeremy still hung out and talked to us a little, but Dave completely stopped talking to us. So basically, I'm hanging out with them and their friend group so I can convince Dave to start hanging out with us again. This is just like a passive-aggressive way to say, "Stop being a douche and talk to us." Hope that helped.

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