Chapter 13

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Luke's POV

Me and the boys were sitting around the TV watching MTV music videos. My phone started to play 'Say Something' by A Great Big World so I knew it was Jamie.

"Hey Jamie what's up" I asked.

"I can't talk much but there should be a girl on your front step in less than a minute, she's got the hots for you" she said.

"Awe man are you kidding" I asked.

"No I'm not kidding, don't let her in she's a bitch, and don't let the other guys fall for her good looks, tell them what I told you' she said to me.

"Okay, but why did you send her here" I asked.

"No reason" she said. I could hear her smirking into the phone even though I couldn't see her. She hung up the phone and that was the end. I turned back to the boys but before I could tell them about the girl the doorbell rang. The boys heads all turned to me.

"Don't talk to her and be a dick" I said to them. They nodded and turned back to the TV. The doorbell rang again so I hurried over to it.

"Who the hell is it" I said as I opened the door. I came face to face with an amazing looking girl. She had long blonde hair and bright green eyes. She still wasn't as pretty as Jamie though.

"Hi I'm Rachel and I love you and your band" She said. I looked at her. She looked dumber than dirt so I would play the quiz question on her.

"Okay if you love my band then tell me who's in the band" I said crossing my arms.

"That's so easy" she said.

"Well then do it" I said.

"Calvin Hood, Michael Clifford, Luke Hennings, and Ashely Irwin" She said now crossing her arms. I heard footsteps from behind me.

"Did she just call me Calvin" Calum asked. I shook my head at him.

"And did she call me Ashely" Ashton asked. I shook my head again.

"Well isn't that your names" Rachel asked.

"No now leave you stupid hoe" Michael said with the straightest look on his face. I almost burst out laughing at his face but I held it in.

"Whatever" she said turning her back on me and the boys. We all looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"She was so stupid" Ashton said while rolling on the floor. We all shook our heads in agreement. Before any of us could move from the floor my phone started to ring. I knew that it was Jamie.

"Hey waz up Jai" I said into the phone trying to act cool. I head a sob from the other line.

"What's a matter Jamie" I asked her. I heard her sniffle again and blow her nose.

"I'll tell you when you come over and bring the boys" she said blowing her nose again.

"Be there in 15 minutes" I said hanging up the phone. I turned around to see the boys all standing behind me with this weird look on their faces.

"Is Jamie okay" Michael asked. I shook my head no. We looked at each other. We knew we had to get there fast before Jamie had another one of her breakdowns. I grabbed my car keys and went to the car. The boys got in the car and we started to drive to Jamie's house. I thought to myself that Jamie wasn't going to do anything stupid.

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