chapter 8: for love

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Y/n: - rides in His motorcicle faster going place to place- Asuka where are you? Please just hold on I'm coming!

- before, y/n's pov-

I was still in my room after what have i done at Yesterday's misión, however i got better thanks to Hibari who confront me still afraid of what she saw and i gave her a present even though chrismas as pass a bunny as pet and she like it.

The next day

Y/n: - i was checking información about this" blood stalk Kamen rider guy" at Google, only few answer we're" an dark Rider" other were" dangerous and deadly villain" but nothing makes Sense, i was keep going until tsukasa sensei appear doing same entrance as kiriya from hanzo academy...smoke bombs-

Tsukasa: y/n we got a problem- looks at him and saw checking info of dark riders- hmmm looks like your doing Homework

Y/n: yeah so whats the problem?

Tsukasa: you be Partner Stark for a Patrol misión afternoon

Y/n simple en-

Tsukasa: evolving also from hanzo and gessen academy: Asuka and yumi to assist the misión, about kicknap hanzo girls call" new hanzo" but he alert from any Ambush

Y/n: hmm alright - i get out and about to leave but tsukasa put His hand on my shoulder as i look at him-

Tsukasa: and don't forget why you become a Kamen rider y/n, we sacrifies our lives for the people we care about.

- few segunds later-

Stark's pov:

I check few seperate áreas with y/n while the other side Asuka and yumi from the rooftop while seperate to cover More ground, it took us 5 hours and the sun was slowly going down

Stark: did you find anything or see something y/n?- i look at him waiting for His answer-

Y/n: no nothing, hmmm strange no Ambush at us? That's a bit not normal

Stark: do you wanna jinx it dude... however- looks around- they didn't do a single move since we Split up with Asuka and yumi

Y/n: wait you don't think...that they plan to Ambush them?!

Stark: don't be silly there stronger I'm sure there fine

Y/n: to yomas yes, but what about some dark Shinobi or dark riders attack them? - recieve a voice message from Yumi and plays it-

Voice mail: Yumi: Stark! Y/n! We're being Ambush by....we need support now!....Asuka run i hold them off go!- voice message ended-

Stark: !! We need to move now!- hops on His motorcicle-

Y/n: Hai!- does same- i go look for Asuka you go with Yumi !- rides off to search Asuka -

Stark: be careful!- rides off to find Yumi-

- present time-

Y/n's pov:

Come on come on!- rides faster looking around and i quickly stop and saw a trail by Asuka's frog as i turn the vehicle back to phone mode and i Rush at the frog-

Frog: - does a sound -

Y/n: do you know where Is Asuka?- i worry look at the frog-

Frog: - nods and wants it to be follow to show y/n da way-

Y/n: - i follow the frog and saw trail of ...oh god blood and clothes damage- she must have fighting someone...but who?- i saw the frog sitting on Asuka's injure body that my heart skip a beat and i Rush to her- Asuka!!

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