Lucario is a HERO!

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 It was the year of 2069, Lucario was noticing the dwindling of Earth's resources. So Lucario went on and on year 2077, Lucario was noticed a Nuclear Annihilation. The army guy said: "Hurry into Vault 101 now!" So Lucario ran into the vault with the other people, and when they got in, EVERYONE was frozen cryogenically.

Then two hundred years later, after the radiation dimmed down, they were finally released. Lucario was set up to find his lost son, his son was stolen by the Enclave in the year 2100. Lucy, Lucario's wife did not make it, she died from cardiac arrest.

It was the year 2277 and Lucario found out that his son was taken away so he stepped out of Vault 101 to find his lost son. He encountered a couple of friendly ghouls. He just said: "Sup do you know where Enclave went?" and this one ghoul said: "He headed near Lucario City, you can take the Long 86 up that way, but be careful, so many Enclave soldiers, and radiation up to 100/sec."

Well so anyways, Lucario trucked on through Canterbury Commons, went through Ole Detroit and took Interstate 86. He encountered deathclaws and Enclave soldiers along the way and barely defeated them.

Then Lucario came across the Legendary Power Armor, but the sad thing was that, Lucario doesn't know how to wear power armor. So he picked it up and went on the trail. He then went to grab something to eat.

Then after resting at the local pop stop, Lucario trek through Interstate 86, that's when he encountered radiation. He quickly ran through the radiation and he was diagnosed with Acute Radiation Syndrome.

Which means that a mutation happened around Lucario's "area", thus, causing some abnormalities in his chest, "area" and arms.

When Lucario took some RadAway, the mutation died out and Lucario cutted off the extra body parts grew from the radiation and carried through. He then carried through Interstate 86.

He reached Lucario City and found Enclave base. He then went into the Enclave and brought out his Aura Kelvin 69 (AK-69) which was a multi targeting automatic weapon that uses .308 bullets.

Well anyways the Enclave tried to kill Lucario but Lucario did not give up, he shot his enemies without mercy, he didn't care, all he wanted is his son back. So anyways, Lucario shot the head chair of the Enclave.

Then Lucario faced The Evil Overlord of Enclave, he was a Super Behemoth mixed with thousand Lucario's mixed with 55,000,000 rads. He was a one son of a beast, Lucario brought out his AK-69 rifle and shot him until he died.

Due to his combative skills, his Health didn't go down, then Lucario delivered an expensive Aura explosion bomb. So Lucario snuck around and put an Aura bomb into his pocket. He set the timer for 3 minutes, so he hacked the Extremely Hard terminal to unlock his son from the prison cell.

Then Lucario held his son and carried out of the dangerous irradiated place. Well anyways Lucario rushed out of there and when he did, his son got stuck on a branch. Lucario had 30 seconds left to escape.

Lucario then rescued his son, they got as far back as possible and watched the Aura Bomb go off. It was a beautiful spectation to look at.

After the nuclear mushroom cloud went away (Which indicated extreme rads) Lucario and his son quickly ran to Vault 101, they quickly went in.

After they settled in Vault 101, then Lucario finally settled down with his son. The overseer of Vault 101 was pleased to see Lucario and his son.

So everyone made a funeral for Lucario's wife, Lucy, died from Birth Complications. Lucario's son, Lucario Junior, he cried for his mom passing.

Lucario is a HERO!!!!Where stories live. Discover now