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They had arrived on what appeared to be a deserted stretch of misty moor. In front of them was a pair of tired and grumpy-looking wizards, one of whom was holding a large gold watch, the other a thick roll of parchment and a quill. Both were dressed as No-Majs, (or Muggles, as they said in England) though very inexpertly: The man with the watch wore a tweed suit with thigh-length galoshes; his colleague, a kilt and a poncho.

"Morning, Basil," said Mr. Weasley. Anna looked around the moor while the adults conversed. It was completely bare, besides the group of wizards. Anna thought she spotted a bit of campsite a couple miles off, which wasn't hard to miss, seeing as it was the only thing you could see for miles.

"Diggory... second field... ask for Mr. Payne." Anna waved to Harry as he, Hermione, and the Weasleys parted ways with them.

"Are we walking?" Remus asked Mr. Diggory, causing Anna to groan at the thought of walking all that way.

"Goodness no!" The man chortled, his face tinting slightly red as he laughed. "We're flying!" He concluded. Anna's face lit up at the notion of getting back on a broom, but Remus turned slightly pale.

"I brought a few extra brooms," Mr. Diggory pulled two dusty old Cleansweeps from his bag, which probably had an extendable charm on it, as Anna's had.

"Thanks Mr. Diggory, but I'm all set." Anna pulled her most prized possession from her bag, her Firebolt.

"Woah! Is that a Firebolt?" Cedric spoke up, gaining the attention of the adults.

"It is! That must've cost a fortune!" exclaimed Mr. Diggory. Anna shook her head hurriedly at the notion, chuckling slightly.

"No, no I didn't buy it. I won it, at a Quidditch tournament over the summer." She explained, slinging her satchel over her shoulder. Mr. Diggory started to hand Remus a broom, but he quickly shook his head and stepped back.

"No — no thank you. I'm not much of a flier, I think I'll just apparate, if that's fine with you, of course." Anna noticed the man's face turn slightly green and chuckled slightly.

"Of course, we'll meet you there then." Remus nodded his head quickly, sending Anna a wave and quickly popping into thin air.

"Aren't we going to be seen by Muggles?" asked Cedric. His father slapped his son on the back and chortled once again.

"No, I've given our brooms concealment Charms, dear Ced." He spoke, turning to Anna. "Do you have any Charms in your broom, Anna?" Anna nodded her head and smiled at the man.

She had decided that the man had good intentions, wether he was rude or not, so she was polite to him, though she didn't like him in the slightest.

"Well we're off then! Just in case I loose you, you're to head just South of here until you see a Muggle cottage, or Remus." The man smiled at the two and mounted his broom, shooting off into the sky without hesitation. Anna and Cedric mimicked the man, swinging their legs over each of their brooms.

"Wanna race?" asked Cedric, his voice was quiet.

"You're on." She smirked at the boy and shot into the air. She had installed a tiny compass into the broom, along with a few other bits and bobs, and she sped off, looking behind her to see if the boy was still behind her.

Surprisingly, he was quite close behind him, and Anna halted midair once he caught up.

"Alright, South's that way," she pointed to their left, "you wanna say, whoever looses has to cheer for a team of the winners choice?"

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