Bloody Kisses

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“Surely you could talk to him?” Zintarrah asked me as I rubbed Sara’s back consolingly.

“I will try, but I can make no promises. That man is as stubborn as a sea snake.” I answered crossly. Just picturing Flynn’s face had me clenching my fist. How dare he let his anger get the better of him? Was he not captain because he was supposedly level-headed?

“That’s all I ask of you. I’ve grown to love all here and I would hate to leave.” Zintarrah said sadly.

I snapped my head back to meet here watery eyes, “You plan on leaving as well? Whatever for?” I asked sadly.

Zintarrah sighed, “Surely you do not expect me to stay on this vessel and abandon my friend while she is with child. And a half siren at that? I must stay with Sara.” Zintarrah said solemnly.

Sara rubbed at her eyes, “Unfathomable! You will stay here with Castor and Adeline and live out an adventurous life.”

Zintarrah scoffed, “And what of yours? What of the adventurous life you deserve more so than I?” she asked.

Sara smiled sadly, “I have everything I’ve ever wanted from life. I have a family now. Not just heaps of mermaids calling one another brother or sister, but an actual man and child who love me. I cannot ask of the gods anything more.”

Zintarrah wrinkled her nose, “Say what you will, but I’ll not be staying without you.”

I held up my hand silencing all talk, “Let me speak to Flynn first and then we can go about making decisions instead of speaking so prematurely.” I supplied.

They both gave me a “good luck” look before I was stalking down the dark musty halls and into the captain’s chambers, “You bloody arse!” I roared as soon as I shoved open the door. Flynn held the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed as I stomped around his desk and stood in front of him.

“Not now, please for the love of everything in my dreary life, not now.” Flynn begged as he looked up to the ceiling for some pity from the gods.

I glowered at him, “Yes now! You need to go to Argo’s quarters immediately and belay your dense order that he and Sara leave the ship.”

Flynn sighed, “I’ll not be doing that Adeline” he said lowly.

I put my hands on my hips and glared at him, “You most certainly will.”

He stood up, towering over me, “And for what? So that they can raise their siren baby aboard my ship and we all take part in its upbringing like a big happy family? Tis’ you lot who are dense, because it seems that more and more so every day we forget the small matter that we are bloody pirates! We do not raise children, we steal and pillage. The fact that Argo is even idiotic enough to think that for one second I’d allow him to ruin that child’s life by letting it be raised around such tyranny proves the fact that the bloke has gone soft in the head.  And I wish that you would stop questioning every call I make. I may love you Adeline, but I am still the captain of this bloody ship! You will do as I order and I order you to stand the hell down!” he roared as spit flew out of his mouth.

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