chapter 2

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im 18! and its my party! what a good day this is going to be!

i slowly rose out of bed taking my pjs off before getting into a nice hot shower. i got out and put my baby blue shirt and blue shorts on,aswell as my white bear hat and green back pack. it was time to send the invitations. i had planned to invite everyone in Ooo except for monsters or evil people. but the one person i truly did want to come was marceline the vampire queen.

"hey you want some breakfast?" said jake. "jake anything else?". i said back " Happy birthday finn!!!!" he bellowed at me. "now, lets have breakfast!" he said to me smiling.

he had gotten my favourite foods all of them! aswell as some of his own. there was bacon,eggs,hashbrowns,fruit,toast,drinks and of-course and everything burrito.
i love my brother

after the meal i was stuffed completely full. i said goodbye to jake as i was giving the invites around today.

after a long day of work it was done it was probarly around 4 00 pm which was good because the party was at 7 00 pm. i had one last house to deliver to. i saved this one for last. it was marcies house.


i had just gotten out of the shower when i heard someone at the door.


i walked to the door wearing a my black shorts and a red tanktop. "oh hello finn." i said smiling at him. he blushed before saying "hi marcy i was wondering i-if you wanted to come to my party tonight." " i would love to." i replied blushing. i loved finn and tonight was my chance to show that to him. "come to the treehouse at 7 pm sya marcie." "bye." i replied grinning.

what do i wear. should i go in a dress or what uhhh i have no clue. "PERFECT!" i shrieked to myself i had found a red dress with gold trims around the collar and a beautiful black rose tucked away in my hair. i stood in front of the mirror shocked at how beautiful and amazing i looked. i hope finn likes it. 6 50 pm about time to go.


"what do i wear jake?" i said to him. i desperately wanted to look good for marcy tonight. "heres a tux." he said handing me a stunning black tux with a red rose tucked near its collar. i put the tux on and walked to the field at the treehouse which the ball dance was going to happen at. punch at a table a shiny crystal disco ball it looked amazing. me and jake had made a canopy over the field which supported the large disco ball it was absolutely fantastic.7 pm where are the guests.

"heyy finn happy birthday!" everyone shouted at me with joy in their heart. i was scared at first but realies it was them. "hey!" i shouted back. "dont forget me too" said a voice, i spun around to see a very beautiful lady black hair, beautiful dress and a magnificent black rose in her hair. "marceline!" i said happily taking in how gorgeous she looked. she looks so good tonight i have to tell her. i have too. "you dont look too bad yourself." she said to winking. i blushed alot when she said that. "thanks marcy." i said back. "do you want to go some place more private." she asked seducticely. "sure." i said smiling an embarrassed. but before leaving, "LET THE PARTY BEGIN."

after what seemed like an eterninty we pushed through the crowds of people and entered my house.

"get out!" marceline shouted att a lumpy figure across the room. "okay im lumpin leaving lump off." as soon as i heard that i knew who it was, lumpy space princess.

suddenly and without warning marceline crashed her lips against mine, i was shocked but ever so happy. she pulled away and said "i have loved you since the day i met you. "i love you too marcy!" i said back stunned and unable to move if i had died now i would have been happy to have lived my life.  "i love you!" we said insync. i mashed my lips against hers passionantly as possible. she open passage to her mouth and as did i. we began fighting for dominance , she won. i really love her

we both pulled away out of breath. "are we boyfriend an girlfriend?" i asked dumbly. "yes, if theres more of that." she winked at me. "now lets tell the world of our love"

we both returned back to the party.holding each others hands.

"hey everybody, we are dating so BEGONE SUITORS." we said to the guests. lsp went crazy and so did half of the other female guests. they all began to walk away. "you dont have to leave now ." i said an they began to walk back. "why do they have to come back?" my girlfriend asked. girlfriend it even feels weird to think about it. "because i dont want them all to be sad." i replied. "okay" she answered sadly. "you two are dating?" jake asked me out of nowhere. "yes got a problem with that?" marceline answered. "no no its fine." jake said terrified."lets continue our previous activities." marcelined said making my heart beat like a humming bird. "sure thing anything for my vampire queen." i winked at her.

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