Filling The Emptiness Part 2

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None of it belongs to me I just make it because I love the game and the pairing that's all

On with the story


Teo's home

Teo was sitting near the garden in peace as he let the moonlight and night breeze flow through like River water. He was wearing Aisha traditional Yukata and also a yukata jacket.

He opened his eyes when he heard footstep and saw his wife approaching him also wearing a yukata but hers was light blue to accommodate her blue eyes and sat down beside him.

Orly leaned her head on Teo's shoulder as she watched the firefly in their garden flying around making a beautiful view.

Teo smiled at her and lay his head on top of hers as he pulled her by the waist pushing her body close to him.

Orly smiled softly at the view. It reminded her of her childhood with her family on their family trip. Sadly, she lost them to the war with her being the only survivor. Orly's smile slowly fades away as she remembered her past at Asgar.

Teo felt something was bothering his wife and asked her.

"Is something wrong?"

Orly heard her husband's question. She looked up and smiled "no, nothing's wrong Dear." She replied back to him.

Teo knew she was lying. She wasn't a very good liar that he knew from living with her for five years. But decided not to question her answer. Teo nodded and returned to the view in their garden.

There was only silence between them. It was peaceful, calm and tranquil.

Teo decided to break the silence when he suddenly called to Orly.

"Orly" he said softly.

"Hmm" she hummed answering him.

"tomorrow I will be leaving to cleaned a village of raiders and bandits" he spoke softly yet serious.

Orly looked down a bit, she knew it was his duty as one of the Four Lords to maintain peace and order to the continent. Yet she felt worried that there may lay an enemy strong enough to injure him or worse take his life.

"how long will you be gone?" Orly asked

"for three days" He replied

"please be safe and don't let anything bad happened to you," Orly said then looked up at Teo with her eyes pleadingly.

"It will be alright," Teo said calming her of her worries.

"please promise me," Orly said again "I can't bear to lose another person that I love" she continued with tears starting to form by the side of her eyes.

Teo saw this and nodded his head in response, he then wipes away her tears. Teo gently leaned his foreheads to hers.

He looked at her eyes and said "I promise I will, I promise you that I will come back to you" he looked at her eyes softly.

Orly closed her eyes and enjoyed their moment together.

After a few moments they leaned away then they turned to enjoy their view for a moment and stood up and went inside the house to rest.

Tomorrow morning

Orly slowly wakes up from her sleep, she saw that Teo was already up and was putting on his battle armor.

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