Part One

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I'm not sure what to call this series, so I'm thinking...

A Very Stressful Year.


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Part One:


What can I say?

Met up with Joseph in the office, today, and I'm pretty sure that life can't stay as relaxed as it has been for, what, the past thirteen days. Although I had a feeling he'd soon catch up with me, I was surprised. I think he took everything pretty badly. In fact, that's an understatement; he was distraught when the news of Riley's death hit him, but I simply had to tell him. I think he thinks it's my fault. Maybe it is. But I didn't kill him.


Joseph came to the office again, and if it happens tomorrow, things are going to get pretty awkward around here. Viola, being the kind soul she is, told him that if he disturbed me for any longer, she would have to ask him to leave, but I could tell she was still annoyed with me, so I got my head down for work.

Viola is in charge of the department that I work in, and before Riley died, she was one of Viola's best friends, as she was with Joseph. The one thing I was grateful for, and this is the truth, was that Viola would never hold a grudge, unless there was proof I had done something to cause Riley's death. Viola and Joseph both think it was me, but it wasn't. I saw it happen, and tried to prevent the killing, but the figure that had approached seemed to be aiming at her. When the bullet rang out, she didn't move fast enough, and she was shot. That's all I remember, as we were both a little tipsy, and that makes my memory... foggy. Or maybe it's the pain of seeing her die. I'm not sure.


Viola and I had a chat about Riley, and at one point, I felt as though she was accusing me of pushing Riley in front of me to save myself, and I protested that I would never do something like that to her. "Do you know what?" Viola hissed, "The worst part is that at first, I thought you actually cared about Riley."

Then she stood up, and left me feeling rotten.


At work, I sat down, did everything I needed to, and spoke to no-one. Then I left, without saying goodbye to anyone. I had other things on my mind, and they're far more important than my social life in the office. I still couldn't believe what Viola had said to me; we had always been close, and never before had she spoken to me with such venom in her voice. I definitely hadn't seen that one coming, especially not from her. Perhaps it was all a horrible dream: when I woke up, Riley would be at work, in the office beside mine, waiting for me to arrive so that we could sit and gossip, and Joseph would still be on holiday to Peru with his wife and children, and Viola would still be kind to us both, and she would never have said any of those horrible things.

But I doubted it.


Joseph hasn't visited the office since Tuesday, and although he had been unfriendly, I needed something to wake me up. I wish... I wish a lot of things, but guess what, magic, and wishes, and dreams, they never come true, and they will never do me any good. In fact, taking my past experience into consideration, they probably did me worse than I would ever imagine. Low expectations means that when you fall, you don't fall from as high. That's something that I picked up when Riley died, not too long ago.


No work today, and nothing to do. I guess I'll just cuddle the cat and wait for sleep. There's nothing else I can do.


I decided to go out to Trina's house. She works at the office, and I doubted she would say anything nasty, but when I got to her house, she wasn't in.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2010 ⏰

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