Daoming Si

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"Take your clothes off." Even if it was a matter of life and death, Si couldn't help but feel a blush creep into his cheeks. He was freezing, but a warmth was rising inside him at the thought of what was about to happen. "Don't look at me," he heard her say, so he turned and listened to the sound of clothes slowly rustling. He peeked and when he saw her bare shoulders, he quickly grabbed her and pulled her down to the floor with him, wrapping the blanket around both their shoulders. Her skin was so cold, and he felt a slight panic rising as he pulled her tight against his chest, willing his warmth to radiate to her sooner than later. He tried rubbing her arms to warm her up, yet she lay shivering in his arms.

Finally he decided to just hold her close, touching his forehead to hers, and peered at her worriedly. Her eyes were closed, her breathing shallow. His heart was thundering with worry and he was sure she could hear it. Even if she had proven time and again that she wasn't a fragile flower like all of the other girls, there was still something inside him that wanted to protect her and keep her safe always. And in this moment, it was important that he did everything he could to save her. He couldn't imagine life without her.

She was still cold, and he continued to hold her close. "Shancai," he whispered, "Think of the beach." He closed his eyes and smiled as he imagined the scorching sun and the warm sand between their toes. "We'll kick off our shoes and walk along the shore. I'll hold your hand as we feel the waves crashing against our toes, then I'll toss you into the water," he laughed softly at the thought of Shancai wet in the water. She would probably pull him down with her and wrestle with him in the waves. "That should warm you up, right? A quick swim in the beach? Then I'll kiss you and that will make you even warmer." He pressed his lips against her forehead then pulled her closer. "Then at night, we'll sit around the campfire at the beach and I'll wrap a blanket around our shoulders. I'll make us some Smores and steal your marshmallows while you aren't looking. When you catch me, you'll probaly throw the marshmallows my way and I'll catch them with my mouth because I'm awesome."

He could feel her body getting warmer now, and he was starting to relax. She was going to be fine, but just to be safe, he would continue holding her through the night. "Just keep thinking of that, Shancai. Think of the beach, the surf, the campfire," he whispered as felt a sense of calm wash over him, "Stay warm. Stay with me." He let the image of him and Shancai together at the beach lull him to sleep, and he knew he wanted to make that a reality someday.

Despite everything they had been through, all the fighting and making up, he knew she was the only one who could make him truly happy. She didn't care about his name or riches; she made that perfectly clear with a flying kick to his face. But that was exactly what he loved about her. If she could love him back, he could be certain it was because he was just being himself. "I love you," her voice said in the tiniest of whispers, so soft he was sure he was dreaming. Those three words warmed him right up and he smiled. How wonderful would it be to hear her say that to him in real life. He pulled her close, tucking her head under his chin and letting her rest against his chest. For now, he wished this dream would last forever, this dream where he loved her, she loved him back, and nothing else mattered but being in each other's arms. Tomorrow could wait.

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