Me and my friends OCs as random quotes

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Rey: how many dips do you want?
Venis: all the dips
Rey: dude theres like 12-
Venis: a l l. T h e. D i p s.
Rey: you're answering the door.

Xander: o-ok so we have the best ideas in the shower so...everyone get naked??
Miles: no. No. No one is getting naked.

Ethan: I just want you for my own~
Veins: Please leave me the fuck alone-

Luana: what you say when your mom wants you to bring in the groceries, Sorry im on the toilet, hope the ice cream dont melt

Danny: whats the second to last letter of the alphabet?
Patch: Y
Danny: cause I wanna know-

Miles: shes so annoying...
Venis: *from across the room* I heard you were talking shit about me-

Gigi: there is only one thing worse than a rapist
Storm: a child.
Gigi: n o

Xander: how are you feeling?
Venis: s t a b b y
Xander: thats not a feeling-

Cotten: I used to have cake but it disappeared.
Luana: kinda like your breasts
Cotten: t-that wasent nice...
Luana: im not supposed to be nice honey.

Rey: imma sing you a song I call..."omg theres a spider"
Venis: that ain't romantic-
Rey: *guitar strum*...oMG-

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