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I remember that day like it was yesterday.  The day I escaped the Abyssal Plains.

I was walking in chains with my sister.  The Demon Lord had taken over our small kingdom.  He was going to publicly execute us after performing a ritual to take all of our energy.  There were others too.  They were part of our alliance.  A bunch of other kingdoms had formed an alliance to try and take down the tyrant that we know as the Demon Lord.  Everyone but the leaders of the kingdoms and alliance and their heirs were spared.  He wanted a pubic execution to strike fear in his subjects.

His family was there.  It was horrifying.  He had five sons, and behind each of them was their mothers.  So it was true, he did turn his wives into orbs.  His children were very young,  they had to be around ten each.  I was only 16 when this happened.  They all tried their best to keep a straight face, but watched on horrified as they knew what was going to happen to all these people. They would have to watch it all happen.  The one on the end, who had orange hair, stared at me and my sister.  He had a mixture of emotions shown on his face.

My sister had brought me close to whisper something to me as we were marching to our inevitable death.

"I want you to know I love you Jezebeth" she said.  I think that was the last time someone called me by my real name.

"I love you too" I whispered back to her, chocking back a sob.

This would be the last time I saw my sister.  I had already watched my parents died before my eyes.  His death was merely an accident, yet I have no doubt that whoever killed him would be severely punished, if not killed.

My sister had stopped me when she saw a portal open up next to me.

"He will explain everything to you Jezebeth!"

Before I could even realize what was happening, my sister had grabbed me and threw me into the portal.  I could see the guards rushing towards her as the portal was closing.

I could feel the tears on my cheeks, but I knew that I had to keep going.  I took a look at my surroundings and noticed that I was not alone.

There was an old man a girl around my age.  They introduced themselves as Harold and Mika Anderson.

He told about the deal he and my sister made with each other.  He original said that he would bring my sister to the human world, but she couldn't leave me behind to die.  She switched places with me.  Since he didn't have a ton of energy, he could only bring one to him.    He would give me shelter if I helped him with his studies.  I would provide him with all my knowledge and I could stay with him at his mansion.  He gave me a potion that he called a glamor spell, which made my purple markings and horns disappear.

He then introduced me to his granddaughter, Mika.  I would have to go to school with her, and if it showed to be life threatening, I would have to protect her.  That would be easy to do with my ability.

My ability was something that I liked to call sword and shield.  It meant that I could produce a weapons from thin air and make a solid shield, or a bubble like shield if I was feeling nice.

Harold had me pick a human name. 

I didn't know very much about the human world.  My sister only talked about it once.  I remember her telling me that her favorite flowers were lilies.  I had asked her what lilies were and she told me that they were a type of flowers that were from the human world.

And from that day,  I was Lily.

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