
21 2 1
  • Dedicated to My big sister Emma

A/N up there is my version of Xander!

2157 (present day)
dallas, USA


XANDER smacked his head on the table in annoyance.
He had sat in the cold office for over an hour, waiting for his father. Damn house help and them believing the freezing everything would solve everything. Damnit father why to you let it be so cold? He thought. His father knew that the his fire ability was too weak to break this high level of ice magic and he just happens to have all the elements but the water.

He looked at his watch and read 2:45. A flashback of this morning repeated in his head.
"Be here at one! No later!" His father had yelled from downstairs before he left the house this morning.
Now, who's late? He thought bitterly as he stared at the slightly frozen clock intently.

After ten minutes he had enough and stood up walking to the door his hand brushed the cold doorknob, but then it suddenly opened, attacked him in the process. He stumbled back and fell on the floor, slid on his butt on the ice before smashing his back on the wall. He groaned in the outmost pain.

"Ah, son you're here. Sorry the meeting took longer that expected. Shall we start?"
His father, Jonathan, explained helping his son up. Xander stared at Jonathan topaz blue orbs, an exact replica of his own and glared at his father. Jonathan got the message and melted the ice as he walked to his chair. The moment he reached his desk Jonathan had melted all the ice in the room, Xander visibly relaxed and stopped heating himself from the inside.

Jonathan sat in his chair behind his oak table and Xander sat in the seat in front. Xander dragged his hand through his dirty blonde hair, another trait he got from his father, and sighed deeply and started what he knew would drag on, "Dad I wish to go to Europe."

"Oh really now? Where in Europe?"

"England, then France, Italy, Greece-"

"Sure, your birthday is in a month so stay for now, after that though you can spend the rest of the year in there and be back for your coronation in January." His father told his simply. He didn't want this conversation to continue. He wished his son to stop talking.

"But I want to find my mate before I turn 21, like you dad," Xander continued.

"But you already went on a search for her. You look all over America, the north and south. Just agree that she's dead and marry Whitney."

"But what if she is alive? Just in a different part of the world?"

"So. You want to search the world?" Jonathan asked calmly. Jonathan locked his hands together and placed them under his chin, Jonathan felt them heating up with their own will and then the feeling flooded down to his body.
Xander stayed quiet and looked down, causing his long eyelashes form shadows on his high cheekbones, he felt the slight increase of temperature.

"Alexander! Are you that desperate? Next you're going to ask to go to Asia, then Africa and then-" Jonathan cried. He wanted to stop this. He couldn't lose his son too with that monster out there. Now his feet heated up. Jonathan knew he needed to stop.

"Yes dad, I wish to go everywhere. First with Europe then all over."

"What if he gets you?"

"He or she is dead, you shot the mother and killed the father. Where could they be? We have eyes everywhere. They are dead."

"There was no foetus in the stomach, she must've gave birth before she got killed, he is alive." Jonathan felt his blood boil and closed his eyes. One, two, three, he thought.

Xander fidgeted feeling the intense heat that rose from his father. He know his father would react like this. But he knew that he could not love Whitney. And Whitney had a mate out there too. Why would he take her from her mate? He ran his hand through his hair again and stood up. Jonathan's eyes snapped open when he heard Xander rising.

"Father, please I want to feel what you and mum felt." Xander tried once more.

Jonathan thought deeply.
Everyday he regretted following the pull of a  mate and not listening to his father, if he did he might have a son with all the four elements and they would have another person that could beat that monster. Then his mate, Miria, wouldn't be brought into the life of a royal and she would've been alive now. His beautiful Miria, with her long dark locks, plum pink lips and coffee eyes. Somewhere else but alive. God, how many times he wanted to give up on the world because Miria wasn't by his side, he missed her so much it hurts sometimes. But he had a world to rule an he had a son she left for him, to raise.

Though then again, if he never met her he would had never felt what it was like to feel complete. To feel cared for. To feel loved. All those feelings he would had never felt with his arranged bride.

He stared a the pure determination on his son's face. His acts and looks way too much like him when he was younger. Strong, handsome and reckless with his fair hair and changing blue eyes. He screamed trouble. And being reckless could cause death or deaths form that matter. Like for Jonathan the deaths he caused was his parents and his mate. The ones closest to him.

Jonathan sighed, he knew he broke, his intense heating stopped and went back to their normal temperature, "Fine but only to Europe, no where else. And you must be back for your birthday. You shall take your guards and Whitney with you. I case you don't find your mate. You don't know, maybe you would bond?" Jonathan spoke slowly to Xander as if he was a child. Xander scowled, but then placed a bright smile instead, his eyes lit up and turned into a baby blue colour. Happiness overflowed from him.

"Thanks dad!" Xander exclaimed him and ran out of the office at lightning speed to pack.

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