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OK, before I keep telling my story, let's keep in mind that her being gone is MY fault. I keep telling myself this. So I can hurt as much as she did. And if having her back meant throwing myself off a cliff, I would. So, back at the marble steps of the clubhouse.... I saw a penny facing upwards. I picked it up, examining it's smoothness, and I flip it. I lands on the ground with a clink! sound. When I actually get to the pool, located around the back of the clubhouse, I automatically see a bunch of the popular kids from school surrounding a trash can. I decide to ignore them and walk to an open lawnchair. As I lay down, splattering huge amounts of sunscreen onto my back, I hear laughter coming from the kids around the trash can. I turn my head away in disinterest, but I stifle peeks to see what's going on over there. "Barbie!" I turn my head sharply in the direction from where my name was called. "Look everybody! It's Barbie from school!" I hear one of the popular boys, Jeremiah, say to his friends. "Yeah! Come here, girlie! Let's have some fun!" One of the girls, Neveah, called. She was clinging on to a boy I recognize as Austin. She had major cleavage and her boobs were smushed into his muscular chest. I reluctantly make my way over to the trash can. This is just great. What do they want from me? Neveah pushed me into my locker just yesterday! "What do you want?" I mummbled."To eat you out." Jeremiah said. "Screw off."I said in disgust. "Ooooooo, emo girl's got a 'tude!" Said a girl I didn't recognize."We should leave her with the rest of her people." Neveah giggled. The populars left me alone with the trash can, who was apparently my 'people'. "I guess it's just the two of us." I told the trash can. "Yeah, I guess." I screamed horrified. "DID YOU JUST TALK???" What is going on? "No..." With that, I saw a girl my age reveal herself from behind the trash can. She was covered in orange slush. "Are you alright?" I sounded alarmed. The girl had deep dark brown hair and matching eyes. Her hair was in her face, like mine, exept she hadn't cut it all off like I did. "No." 

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