Chapter 2- Corin

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Corin was closed the book he had been reading about Seekers, thinking about what he had just read. "That was.. interesting. I wonder if it's true, it would've been amazing if beings that could teleport between dimensions existed, but even if they did exist, I'm sure they would be dead..." he ran his claw gently over the pattern. Corin was a dragon-like creature, his species was much smaller than most dragons though, and had to learn magic as they weren't born with it, but had great  night vision. Most lived in long, winding tunnels and spent most of their days training on magic so that the colony wouldn't be torn apart by any actual threats such as massive moon worms that could dig through obsidian as if it were topsoil. A few powerful mages had come from the colony, but there was rarely ever any war. Corin personally wanted to become a great mage one day, to see the outside world and protect his loved ones with his life and to have pride from his family and friends, but that would take years. He was still young, and didn't even know how to use magic yet. All he could really do currently is research it's history at the moment. Corin got up and looked at the pile of books behind him, the pile was lager than he was, and yet he was expected to read all of them within the month. After that month, he'd be given yet another pile. Then that'd happen again, and again, and again, for years. Then he'd be able to learn his first spell, he quite frankly didn't see the point of all that research. Why couldn't he just learn the spell right away? Corin went to pick up a book, before he felt the earth shake slightly. He paused, taking a moment to process what just happened, before he went to grab it again, brushing it off as a normal tremor, the earth rumbled, parts of his walls crumbling. Other members of the colony screeching in fright and confusion. The rumbling wasn't stopping, Corin scrambled out of his little pocked of a home and fled towards the entrance, many others doing the same, fearing that this might be some sort of moon worm attack. He was confused, Moon worms usually didn't cause this much shaking unless they were very close by, even then it wouldn't be everywhere in the colony. Soon they emerged to the surface, and many of the screams were replaced by gasps of awe and amazement, Corin included. This was much of the colony's first time seeing the outside world. A bright golden sun shone off rocks, casting a dreamy glow over the landscape, gentle blue plants with small glowing fruits blew in the wind as far as the eye could see. Almost everyone was so amazed by the beauty that they almost forgot that the earth had stopped shaking. Just as their leader opened his mouth to tell the colony that it was probably just a bad earthquake, and that they should head inside, the ground split open, some sort of clawed, faceless demons poured out, along with a flood of pitch-black smog. They immediately charged at the colony, their claws surrounded by a shadowy energy. The colony's warriors flew into action, but even the best of them were quickly overpowered by the enemy's intense magic. The rest of the colony quickly tried to run, but couldn't escape. Corin flapped his wings to fly away, but his right wing was torn by a claw. As he fell to the earth he felt himself get pinned down. He shut his eyes, ready to accept his fate, before he heard a war cry from the heavens. Some sort of portal had opened from the sky, a feathery winged snake-like creature had arrived, distracting the demons as they screeched and charged at it. Corin weakly got up and looked around. His entire colony was dead. He stood still, unable to move from the shock, before he was snapped back to reality as a few bodies of the demons fell with a thud on the ground. He looked to the skies, the feathered serpent was defeating the enemies, feathers flying everywhere, scratched and cut, but winning. Corin watched in awe as the heroic creature defeated all of them, before gently flying down next to him. " Come with me. " they said. " You'll be in grave danger if you remain in this realm any longer. Corin opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. They opened a portal and motioned for Corin to enter. After a moment, he slowly walked in and emerged somewhere else, somewhere that was quiet and peaceful where the moon had risen. As they slid next to him, the portal closing behind them both, Corin realized what had happened. He had been saved by a seeker!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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