Chapter 8

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Walking into the restaurant with Bruce's hand around my waist. Tables on both to the right and left, the middle has a round dance floor and above a matching celling with rainbow lights. It's adorning.

"Bruce, how did you find this place?" I ask looking up at him. "My parents and I came here one time. I watched them dance right over there" he exclaims pointing to the dance floor. "That's wonderful Bruce" I smile. "Let's sit down love" he whispers sweetly. He takes my hand and leads to the front where the host is at. Bruce opens his mouth but that man with menus interrupts him. "Ah, Mr. Wayne. Right this way" he says walking to a table in the center.

Bruce pulls out the chair for me,  "Thank you" I blush sitting down. "Order anything you want love" he says handing me a table. I bite my lip, "even though you're a billionaire, I don't like to spend your money" I candidly say grazing over the menu.
"And that's why I love you" he jokes holding my hand making me smile.
A waiter comes by and gives us glass waters. "Do you kids know what you want yet?" He asks. "I'll have the spaghetti and meatballs please" I say with a smile. "And I'll have the stake with vegetables"
The waiter finishes writing on his notepad then looks at us, "it will take a while but feel free to dance at the center love birds"

He raises an eyebrow at me once he leaves, "shall we?" He asks getting up and stands in front of me. I take his hand and we walk to the dance floor which had about a dozen of couples dancing.

He pulls me close, firmly placing his hands on my hips. I wrap an arm around his neck and rest a hand on his chest. We then start to sway to the music. "Bruce?" I ask looking at him, "yes love?" He asks tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear, making me blush. "I've missed dancing with you, feeling this close" I whisper.
He moves my hand to where is heart is. "Me too"

I rest my head against his chest, feeling calm listening to his heart beat.
After dancing to a few more songs we decide to go back to our table.
Our food was placed on the table. "Yay, food" I exclaim sitting down with a smile. He chuckles and sits down too. I pick up my fork and swirl the pasta and take a bite. My eyes widen with awe, "is it good?" He asks. I nod with my cheeks full of food.

Bruce and I walk back to his car, he quickly spins me around so my back was against the car. "Are you sure you can't go?" His hand trails down to my hips slightly squeezing. His body is pressed against mine, "it'll be boring without you" he whispers. I chuckle, placing a hand in his cheek. "Bruce, baby" I coo. "I haven't slept in like, two days" I smirk "I'm not a bat like you" I say moving my hand to his chest and leaving it there. "Fine" he pouts, "you just look so.." he looks at me up and down, "ravishing"

I turn my head, cheeks flushed with pink. "Oh, shut up Bruce" I gush. He leans in, his hand on the car. "Fine, at least let me kiss you"
I roll my eyes, "okay Bruce"
He admires all of my features before his soft lips touch mine, making my eyes flutter shut.
My heart pounding while he weaves his fingers into my hair. Our mouths moving together, my stomach erupting as I lace my fingers with his kissing him harder, his sweet cologne filling my senses, I want to stay in this moment
forever–He suddenly pulls away, my face falling blank. He smiles at my slyly, this cocky boy knows. "Come on, I'll take you home"
He leaves me as he opens my door, stunned and left in my cloud of euphoria.


"So, I'll call you after" he informs smiling at me, "yup, and I'll answer" I state getting out of the car, his hand gripping my waist gently. "Wait-" I stare at him, listening. "I love you" he chimes, I smile, "I know, I love you too" I gravitate to him, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek. 

Once in my house I climb up the stairs, and walk into my room. Shivering, I notice the temperature change which is unusual. I grab a sweater from my closet and swiftly change. The curtain flows with the wind, wait a damn second. I left it closed, how did it happen. I hesitantly step to the window, sliding it shut with my heart beating so loud. I spin on my heel, only to see no one. I sigh in relief, stop being so paranoid. 

A white cloth is placed over my mouth, my eyes widen with fear. I throw my arms in hopes of hurting the intruder but it's no use, the grin only got tighter and the bleaching smell of chemicals flow into my nose. My eyes start to slowly shut, complete darkness consuming me.

A/n: surprised? Yea, me too🙃 I saw The Joker solo movie and it made me miss Gotham. Really don't know my plans still so no promises lol-Teyona

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