Pass or Expelled

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The four of us walked in silence, Kaachan and I were separated to the edge so that we don't fight again. It was awkward but I just looked at the doors or lights as we passed. we finally reached the class where Aizawa-sensei was explaining something.

"Good you guys are here, sit down or I'll make you," he threatened, "As I was saying this assessment will determine if you guys are good enough for my class," Aizawa-sensei showed us a sort of uniform. "Wear this and meet me at the field,"

At the field

The class all finished changing and we're all present. "Today we will be doing a quirk apprehension test to determine if you can be a hero," He said, "Who's ever last will be receiving expulsion," the class became tensed.

He listed a series of tests, 50-metre dash, Grip Strength Test, Standing Long Jump,  Sustained Sideways Jump and the final test the Pitch.

I've been building the stamina, speed, and strenght for any sort of test with some help of a veteran villain. First was the 50-metre dash. I was matched up with Iida Tenya and Mina Ashido.

We all lined up at the starting line, "You may use your quirk as you see fit," Aizawa-sensei noted.

I faced the opposite way of the track. I took a deep breath, "80%". I placed my thumb over my middle finger (like how he does it when he attacks with his finger in the anime).

The bot started to time us, "Ready! Set! G-"

Quickly opening my eyes, flicked, and was flung to the opposite way by my quirk. Midway through the whole operation, I turned 360, and my stomach faced the ground to lessen friction from my body and the wind and it made me faster.




"Tch, master will be disappointed," I mumbled kicking the ground.

"My how fast! YOUR SPEED IS UNBELIEVABLE!" Iida exclaimed.

"Yeah! I mean I thought this robot would dominate this test!" Mina joked at Iida. Now he and Mina Ashido are arguing.

"Not fast enough," I told them as I passed them by.

"WHAT?!" The two's eyes bulged out, "That was super fast!" Mina screamed at me pointing at the score.

I just waited for the next test, Strenght. I held a grip machine, I queried it, "360 kg"

I was placed 3rd for it since the guys with octopus hands got 540 kg and someone else was stronger or had a quirk that gave them a better score I guess.

Standing long jump

Kaachan was able to clear the box with a smug bitch face. I was currently after him.

I was walking to the starting point, walked the whole way through the track, my hands on my pockets and stuff.

Walking to the white point. "90%" I whispered. I squatted down and jumped.

I landed on the other side of the school, "Wait.. where am I?" I asked out loud, I looked around and saw the field all the way back.

I sprinted there without breaking a breath. "Sorry, I went over board,"

"It's ok," Aizawa-sensei assured me as he wrote down my score I guess.

Sustained Sideways, the grape head beat all of us.

Lastly The Pitch, if you say it out loud like a sort of title it sounds like something horrible for some reason.

So Kaachan got 405.2 meter, Ochako Uraraka got infinity and I was last.

I gripped the ball on my hands. "Before you use your quirk how far were you able to throw at school, Izuri Shi?" Sensei asked me.

"I dunno, I was homeschooled. Want me try it out?" Aizawa-sensei nodded.

I walked back off the mat, I ran and threw the ball.

"876 meter," Aizawa-sensei stated as he showed us as proof. The class was shocked at my score.

"I want you to use your quirk at its full power," he commanded me. "I wanna see how powerful it would be,"

"I heard you say 80% for the dash, and 90% for the long jump. We haven't seen you at your best so do your worst," he told me.

I grinned, "Hai, sensei,"

Receiving another ball I focused all my power to my finger tips. I took my stance and as it transitioned on my palm to my finger tips, I placed all my power at my index finger.

"All in One, 100%!!" I shouted, my body energized and purple zags appeared all over me like Kaminari Denki when he uses his quirk.

In one blink all the energy transfered to the ball as it was released off me. The ball made a loud pop and swooshing sound as it broke through the sound barrier.

"Infinity," Aizawa-sensei muttered showing us an infinite sign.

Cheerings and excitement filled the class. They all praised my score. I sighed, "Gack,"

I fell to the floor clutching my head, "Agh, ugh, aaahhh," I said grunted incoherently.

My breath was heavy and forced as I try to retain it. "Ow," I finally said as the ache slowly drifted off.

I stood up wobbly, my vision slowly cleared, my breath was steady, and the ringing ceased.

"Ugh, a drawback?" I told myself.

"Are you ok, brat?" Aizawa-sensei asked not even slightly concerned.

"Yeah, just a drawback," I told him.

"Is this regular?" He asked, I shook my head. "If I use 100% then I'll have a drawback, it last for a moment. Nothing serious, sensei," I explained.

He nodded, "All right that's all for the Apprehension Test. I'll post the scores once your all in the room,"

After changing; in the classroom

I waited at my seat after changing, one by one, some in groups all of us seated.

Izuri Shi-1st
Momo Yaoyorozu-2nd
Shoto Todoroki-3rd
Katsuki Bakugo-4th
Tenya Iida-5th
Fumikage Tokoyami-6th
Mezo Shoji-7th
Mashirao Ojiro-8th
Eijiro Kirishima-9th
Mina Ashido-10th
Ochaco Uraraka-11th
Koji Koda-12th
Rikido Sato-13th
Tsuyu Asui-14th
Yuga Aoyama-15th
Hanta Sero-16th
Denki Kaminari-17th
Kyoka Jiro-18th
Toru Hagakure-19th
Minoru Mineta-20th

"The expulsion was a lie by the way,"


Next release: January 10

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