Chapter 0~Prologue

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(outfit in the picture above is what she's wearing at the time but ignore the little bag in the picture)

July 6 Year X777, Asura's POV


I was sitting at the edge of a lake in the forest I lived with Casiphae in, holding a long rod (not THAT kind of rod ya dirty minded people XD) in my hands as I waited patiently for a fish to take the bait. Why am I sitting at a lake fishing, you may ask? Well let me tell you. I was currently trying to catch a good fish for my beloved dragon mother, Casiphae.

Unfortunately, I have been at it since before even the sun had a chance to rise. Luckily, I had the rather large sized egg sitting next to me for company. What's inside the egg? My mother dragon told me that it was the egg of a magical creature called an Exceed. These supposed 'Exceeds' apparently bore a striking resemblance to an animal that's commonly known as the cat. I looked over to the left, and I looked at the large white egg, that had brown markings on it.

 I looked over to the left, and I looked at the large white egg, that had brown markings on it

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(y'all don't know how annoying this was to edit for me XD)

I sighed as I finally admitted defeat and gathered up my fishing gear. I then picked up the egg and started to walk back towards the home that Casiphae and I stayed in when the egg I had carefully held in my arms suddenly jerked, earning a yelp from me and nearly made me drop the egg, but I still held onto it. I stood there, not moving an inch from where I was standing as cracks began to appear all around the egg. More and more cracks kept appearing until the egg finally burst open, revealing a tiny baby brown and white exceed kitten with tiny white wings on his back to match his white markings. I squealed with delight as I held him in the air.

"Oh my god you are the cutest thing to walk the Earth!!" I said with joy.

"T-thank you? What is my name...? I don't seem to recall remembering it..." The male exceed kitten said, with confusion evident in his voice.

"The thing is, little guy, you don't have a name, because you literally JUST hatched!" I deadpanned.

"O-oh, I see... Well, can you give me a name?" He asked me.

"Of course I will! But before I do, I need to introduce myself! My name is Asura Nightsong, and I'm gonna call you... Mocha!" I said excitedly.

"Mocha... I like that name! It's nice to officially meet you, Asura!" Mocha said happily.

"Oh my gosh that reminds me! I still have to introduce you to Casiphae!" I exclaimed.

"Casiphae? Who's that??" Mocha asked with a hint of curiosity strongly evident in his voice.

"Casiphae's my dragon mom! She's really friendly, you're gonna love her, Mocha! Oohhhh I can't wait to introduce you two!!!" I squealed excitedly.

"That's awesome! I get to meet a dragon!" Mocha shouted out while fist pumping the air.

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