Chapter 22

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"Hello," the nurse greeted me as I opened my eyes. She was busy wring stuff and tucking me in. She asked the million dollar question, how was I feeling. Well, I'm definitely not in the mood to talk. I feel like I'm trapped in a coffin but I'm far from being dead because every part of my body hurts like hell.

"Don't cry dear, in about five minutes the doctor is going to give you some good news," she wiped a tear that escaped from my eye. I wish she tells me that I can go home. But I don't have a home anymore, so I'll just need to withdraw all the money in my account before they freeze it when they realize that I've decided to ride the wind. I was anxious thanks to the nurse telling me about the good news I was about to receive.

"Now Emma I need you to tell me where it hurts,"

"Everywhere," I closed my eyes to hide the accumulating tears.

"That's a good start but I need you to just concentrate on each pain and tell where does it hurt the most, can you do that for me?" She held my hand.

"Here," I placed my other free hand over where my heart should be and the tears just rolled down.

"I'm so sorry Emma, where else?" She was begining to annoy me.

"My lower abdomen I guess," I remained calm.

"Okay I'm sorry about that, you had two surgaries yesterday,"

"Don't tell me you took out my uterus," I worried.

"Fortunately we didn't, how are you feeling?" The doctor walked in. The nurse told her I was experiencing pain in my surgical region, I guess the pain in my heart didn't matter after all.

"Well first of all I'd like to tell you that you're a very brave lady. Yesterday you had two surgaries, we had to repair your endometrium walls which was a success but we had a little problem. We found foreign matter in your uterus and we had to stop and take tests, do you follow?" At the time I was sitting straight and nervous asF. I nodded to answer her question.

"Ok, so the tests later came back and said you were pregnant and we had a challenge, it was either we continued to repair your uterus which would have terminated the pregnancy or do a risky re-implantation which would have placed you and the embryo in danger. So we consented with your mother Elizabeth," I stopped her.

"Please don't tell me Liz killed my baby," I cried, my already aching heart sunk. I closed my eyes and imagined Liz telling them to go ahead and terminate the pregnancy with a nasty smirk. I cried. I couldn't breath. The nurse grabbed the oxygen mask but I refused to wear it although I was running out of breath. I'd rather die than to live in a world where I know quite well that my only mother killed my baby, her own blood. But they both forced it on me and I caught my breath.

"Give me your hand," the nurse said. I looked away, so she f-ing took it by force. What's wrong with these people. No means no! She took my hand and placed it below my waistline. I was confused and still crying as I glanced at my hand.

"What do you feel?" The nurse asked.

"I'm confused," I blurted out still looking at my hand.

"Because you didn't let me finish sweety, your mom told us to go ahead and do whatever it takes to save you and the baby," she smiled.

"You're kidding," I hoped they weren't and they confirmed they weren't kidding as they both shaked their heads and had big smiles. I lunged forward and hugged them both still crying but anyone can tell that these were tears of joy. I wasn't dreaming.

"You're not out of the woods yet young lady, you're far from it. You have to recover and take good care of yourself and the developing baby,"

"Thank you so much,"

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