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When I first placed humans on Earth with their own free will I knew what would come after. An endless tapestry of human nature had begun to form, all learning and adapting from those who had been there before. Your kind would eventually develop enough to recognize the need of living for more than just satisfaction. They began to explore all facets of the world I'd placed them on, quenching their thirst for knowledge as they attempted to understand why they existed. But I'm afraid to inform everyone that the answer is fairly simple. I had gotten bored.

The complexities of my process when bringing your universe into existence are way too complicated for you to understand so let me break it down for you. I am God. There are many versions of me in your world and they are all right. At least slightly. The nature of my being is a direct result of the world it is being understood by. Creations will always seek a relationship with their creator, by seeking this connection humans have made many interpretations of my identity. Countless religions created to just understand. And it is because of this that I am everything and nothing. So you keeping up? I know it can be confusing but at this point I don't really care if you understand. But to make this easier on you I will at least introduce myself.

I am Joseph Aberdeen Polk. I was born in Bardstown, Kentucky to two farmers named Josiah and Lillian Polk. Now I know it must confusing to hear that I'm the son of two farmers after I've just told you I'm God but don't worry I'll explain everything soon. I grew up on our family farm with my two other brothers, Caleb and Gabriel. Dad put us to work on the farm but never let us forget about the big world out there for us to explore. He used to be in the army back in his youth and had filled our childhood with stories of his travels all around the world. Ma was a strong woman who seemed destined to balance the soft hearted nature of my father. She did the best she could raising three boys, never afraid to discipline us but never let us forget we were loved. We lived in a surprisingly tolerant household for Kentucky and had a blessed childhood. I was the star receiver in highschool before an injury senior year completely blew out my left knee. I had to hold in some laughter when my Dad cursed God after hearing the news for the first time. I had a girlfriend during highschool but had to break up when she moved to California after getting accepted by UCLA. Her name was Lillian like his mother but he called her Lily. We had been together since her family moved into Bardstown when I was 12. I still miss her. After high school I got into Kentucky State and worked to pursue a degree in psychology. I was able to connect with my creations in ways I'd never considered before. I would continue my schooling until I had worked myself up to being able to own my own practice. I set up in Downtown Louisville and have been enjoying my newfound human existence ever since. At least until I met Wes and he messed everything up.
   I met my Annie for the first time when we were 6 years old. I know it seems insane to hear that I met my wife when we were just kids but it's true I swear. Scouts honor. Although I don't know if that still holds up since I was kicked out of Boy Scouts but that's an entirely different subject. So where was I? Oh yeah Annie. We went to school together from Elementary school all the way to highschool. She just became one of those faces I always recognized, another person in the pool of kids I'd always tried to ignore. But she was always great at not being ignored.

It was the last day of 8th grade when I'd had my first ever conversation with her. And let give you some background so you understand why this was such a huge deal, at least to me. Before that moment I'd always been terrified of talking to Annie. She'd been the girl you always saw smiling, she was so genuine with everything she did. It was always intimidated me how many friends she had. Her tendency to draw anyone and everyone towards her definitely didn't work with my intense dislike of actually talking to people. But back to the conversation, it was after school and I was waiting by myself for my Dad to pick me up. He was running late by about 30 minutes so most of the other kids had already left. I was sitting silently against a wall watching the street for my father's beaten up old truck when she first walked up. I'll never forget that moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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