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What a fucking long three days.

I've gone shopping and found the perfect thing to hid my identity and I also found a shit ton of cute ass clothes.


Cam: Ay Cunt when does your plane leave?

Me: I should be getting there now but it'll take like 5-6 hours before I'm in Melbourne.

Cam: okay good, I'll pick you up at the airport.

Me: make sure it's only you cunt.

Cam: of course bitch, have a safe flight.

Me: I hope it crashes now.

Cam: STFU now hurry up I wanna make fuck on how short you are.

Me: Hoe I'm fucking 5'7 im pretty tall for a girl.

Cam: Whatever see you soon.

Me: Cya.

I turned my phone as I slowly got closer to the security checking area.

Fuck the brownie.

I looked around noticing no-one paying attention to me, so I made a bee line towards a trash can and pulled out the tinfoil wrapped brownie.

Quickly scarfing down the sweet but bitter edible I made made my way back to the security line.

After getting through eveeything the intercom finally called my plane. Making my way down to my plane's port. I waited in yet another fucking line.

About this time the high started to kick in as most of my anxiety kinda slipped away and I felt relaxed and calm. Once everyone was on the plane, I found myself sitting beside a mother and her son.

"Let just take a nap then edit a video" I murmured to myself before feeling my head tip over to the window and my eye's slowly shutting.

Fuck man I'm tired.

*2-3 hours later*

I woke up from the feeling of a tap beside me. "Huh?" I said quietly as I was still sleepy.

"Hi" said a little voice beside me. As I looked down I notices it was the little boy.

"What's up kiddo?" I asked letting my glance look towards his mother seeing she was passed out.

"Well my mom was drinking to much grape juice and I really need to go to the bathroom" he said looking down shyly.

Grape juice...ah shit wine.

I nodded and patted his right shoulder. "Alright come on now. Let's get you to the restroom" I said as I unbuckled myself as he did the same.

We slowly sneaked past him mother making sure not to wake her, fortunately for us we did successfully. I walked him towards the bathroom in the back of the plane walking past alot of sleeping people, tired people and people who look like they were about to puke their guts out.

"Alright hurry up kiddo" I said to him as I waited outside the door. He nodded and rushed inside.

After a few minutes he walked out and we made out way back to the seats. Successfully making in quiet and stealthy we sat down and stayed quiet for a bit.

"My name is Lucas, what's your name?" He asked whispering. I smiled at the little boy as he looked at me also moving his little dirty blonde bangs out of his face.

"You can call me Hydra".

"Like the gaming YouTuber?" He asked looking hopeful. I let out a soft giggle and nodded.

His hand then flew up and he held out his pinky, "I lucas Baxter promise to tell no-one of your identity" he said proudly. I laughed a bit louder this time but died it down to keep myself from disturbing the other passengers and gave him my pinky in return.

"I Hydra, place my trust in thus Lucas to keep my identity a secret" I said making him smile.

"Wow, you're really pretty by the way" he said making me smile.

"How old are Lucas?" I asked making the little boy a bit happier.

"Well today is my Birthday so now I'm 10" he said giving me a cheeky smile.

A few hours have gone by with Lucas and I taking filtured photos on snap chat and watching a movie on my laptop. We had about 20 minutes before we landed.

"Hey mom" lucas said making me look to see him and his mom smiling at eachother. She then looked at me then to the computer playing one of the Transformers movie then smiled.

"Thank you for watching over him, I'm really sorry. I have this big fear of planes and tend to drink wine when I'm scared" I smiled back at her waving my hand.

"It's no problem, Lucas was great company" I said smiling at them both. Once we landed we all went our separate ways.

I made it to the luggage claim. Pulling out my phone I noticed many messages for Fitz.

Cam: When are you landing?

Cam: Hydra?

Cam: I'll be in the baggage claim area waiting for you.

Cam: *Attachment*

Cam then sent a photo of a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes.

That must be him huh.

Ater looking around I finally spotted the giant in the corner.


Hydra (Zuckles)Where stories live. Discover now