inconveniently me

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Am I an inconvenience
Since I cost so much
And don't do enough
I feel your love is forced and fake
I guess its true
I guess I am
just a useless in the the nuisance

I don't look like the child you want
I don't do the things a child you want would
I guess I'm just
A terrible inconvenience
I just can't be someone I'm not
Please don't be mad
And tell me I'm bad

I don't help
I can't dress right
I cost so much
I don't do the right stuff
Sorry I'm not
Someone you want
I just want to be someone otherwise known as me

Don't get mad
Because I cannot be perfect
Please don't tell me how bad I am
Life is a jerk
It gave you me
And you can't deal with
What you see

Sorry I can't be
Someone that isn't me
I'm just the child
With perfect everything
Except for what you want to see

I smiled, I lied,
I really did try
But no one can accept
the fact that I'm a guy
When you see two
I want to check both
I don't feel like either
I don't feel like one
If you asked me to choose
I really don't know
What I would pick...

You tell me I look stupid
Why is the look that's me
The one you don't want to see?

You say I cost too much
Since I don't do enough stuff
I try to accomplish me
Individual and unique
That's how you wanted me to be
And now I try
Bus its not really me
I've been true to myself
I know its not me
who has spoken lies

My life has been full me
Not you
That's why its "MY" life
Not yours
So go live your own damn life
And stop trying to steal mine.

This is probably confusing to you. Its really about being curious or confused about your body and people telling you to be someone you aren't and how it makes you feel to be not really liked by the same people that told you to always be yourself.

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