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This chapter is deticated to my BFF Lola love you girl

Frankys pov

I woke up and looked at the time omg I slept in late!!!! I have to get up there is only an hour till Kelly's party. I got up and took a shower. I got out and got dressed. I got in the car I got her a ring for her birth day. When I finally got there I saw her with this beautiful girl in a pretty red dress. And dang did she look good I went over there to say hi. "Hi Kelly and you are?" I asked the cute girl in the red dress. "Hi I am Lola." said the cute girl. "Well hi Lola I am Franky." I said. "Well you guys get to know each other I am going to the bathroom."said Kelly. "Ok!"i said. I showed Lola the ring that I got for Kelly she said that Kelly was lucky to have such a great boyfriend. "Thanks!" I said to lola. I went to give Kelly a kiss after I haver her my gift but..... "Omg I am so sorry I didn't mean to kiss you Lola!" I said. her and Kelly just stared at me.

Kelly's pov

"Omg what the heck!?"i sad with tears runing down my face. "Kelly I am so sorry I!" said Lola. "No Lola it isn't you who should apalagise!" I said furious.

Lola's pov

What the heck I..i mean it's not that I didn't like it it's just that I wasn't expecting it and I wish he would do it again!!

Franky's pov

"Omg I am soooooo sorry baby!"i said. "I don't want to here it Franky!"

Hey guys omg wow twisted um and no Lola isn't like that she would never do that and I love you girl kk peace out Girl Scout !!!

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