Coniquences of the Truth (Marble Hornets One-Shot)

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Tree past tree, it's hard not to trip nor fall from the twigs and rocks that stood on the ground. The night and darkness made it challenging to see where I- we were heading. The only light provided was the moons crimson white reflection. My shoes felt like as of it could rip apart any second from now, as well as my ankles felt it could snap in two by all of is constant running.

"Who are we running from?" I panted, slightly collapsing from my very spot.

"It's best not to know, all we have to do is hide." He replied trying his best to calm me down.

Drops of sweat covered my forehead, my breathing was too sharp to be silent, my mind had so many questions. I'm stuck with Jay, a man I've met- who was there when this trouble started happening. And there was another.


The last time I saw him was when he and Jay argued and went their separate ways, now I'm here, I've never heard of Tim after those two weeks he left us nor did anyone ever speak about his presence again.

The footsteps became more distant- louder and louder. He pushed me behind him and held me wrist.

The cold night air blew on my face making me more uncomfortable, I didn't know who or what was upon us.

Once again, I'm scared, again I'm, clueless.

"Jay," I whispered,"Who is this?"

He held my wrist tighter, as he payed more attention to the footsteps. As the leaves shook and the bushes moved, he breathed deeply and finally said,"Run when I count to three..."


"No buts, you have to stay safe and hidden as possible."

I swiftly nodded slowly as he counted.




Before I could move, a man in a tan hoodie, yet, tackled Jay right before my eyes.

He was the same man that followed us and made us run here.

He pushed Jay to the ground making him unable to speak. Yet, Jay wasn't done yet- he struggled trying to get his words out if his mouth.

"Run." He gasped.

Within a blink of an eye, I ran, I kept running. Scared what would happen to Jay, afraid of leaving him behind. Afraid of my life-

Mostly afraid of what's out there.

I breath sharply, coughing, I ran and ran, leaves, branches, trees, everywhere, no place to hide. I coughed and cough causing me to fall into my scraped knees. It felt as if was nearly uncontrollable to stop. My body lunged into the ground as I went down a slightly steep hill.

I got up and rubbed my eyes, my eyes widened.

Was that light?

I smiled and ran towards the building covered with light, this could be my only chance to save Jay and I also to get help-


I completely stopped. My body's shook and shivered. I was trying, yet, mostly hoping that noise couldn't be what I think it is.

I shook my head.

"Jay is to smart, he couldn't." I said to myself trying to ease the fright all over my body. I went towards the building the deeper and closer I got, the heavier my breathing went.

The light became brighter and brighter but the more I felt unconscious, something isn't right. I was inside a cloud of dark- breath taking smoke.

This was not light.

Coniquences of the Truth (Marble Hornets One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now