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Robyn's POV

I was getting my pizza and i texted some of the other Cube members. i was trusted by a few of them since i talked to Graser and H a lot.

I was going to meet up with Julio and Devon in there room since Rusher, Mr.Mitch and DUMBphin weren't here yet. i was going to meet them in their room in about three hours.

i walked over to the Starbucks across the street, i never go to starbucks so i didn't know what to get. i walked into their little fridge by the counter and grabbed two Jones and a pepsi. i paid and walked back into the hotel.

I knocked on their door and Julio answered it. "Just give Devon a minute he's gone to go grab something or rather from the store or startbucks or something.

i laughed. "K den dood" he laughed to and i walked into their room. three beds and two couches. for sure one of the bigger rooms.

"HEY ROBYN!" i looked up behind me and Devon hugged me from behind.

"Personal space please Devon. I dont hug on the first meeting" he started to laugh a little then stole my pepsi out of my hands. "HEY! MY PEPIE!" I ran after him down the hallway and to the stairs. i gave up after a flight and then set up a quick prank for when he came back up the stairs.

"ROBYN!" i heard him shreik from down the hallway. i walked back to him seeing my pepsi had exploded in his face.

i laughed my ass off until Julio came out of the room and looked at us. "Now you know to knew take my drinks dood" i walked back to my room and set my Jones in my bag. i had gotten a blue raspberry and a root beer.

I was grabbed from behind and i saw that it was Parker. "Hey gurl" i smiled and pulled his hands off of me. "Just cause i've kissed you doesn't mean i want your hands on me." i laughed a lttle and turned around.

our lips came crashing into each others. his hands came up from behind me and he grabbed my ass. i bite his lip and he pulled back. i giggled slightly, i undid his belt and his pant buttons. i pulled his pants down and ran out of the room out of his reach. he tripped trying to ketch me. i walked back to him and snapped a picture. "Thanks Parker" i started to laugh my ass off again.

"I'm going to go meet Rusher and them. See ya later okay?" He nodded looking red. "Your a goof" i smiled and walked out the door to be caught by Graser. "Sup dood" i said just before his lips came to mine. I did the same thing i did with parker except, well, Graser wasn't wearing underware...

i still snapped a pic. and ran away. He started to laugh and pulled his pants on. Graser might not be as stupid as everyone thinks, but he's still and idiot.

i walked into Julio and them's room and was instantally pushed against the door. Bayani was in the room too. he pressed into me. "Don't make me do the same thing with you that i did to Graser and Parker just a minute ago" i said to him.

"What did you do?" i grabbed my phone from my pocket and showed him a picture of Parker on his face with his pants down, when it came to the one with Graser i placed my thumb over where it needed to be sensored. Bayani was laughing. Julio and Devon came over and i showed them it too.

"I think you have a super power" I giggled slightly at what Devon said.

an hour later i met Rusher, Mr.Mitch, and Dolphin. They were all average guys, Ryan had brought coke's but i refused walking back to my room and grabbing my rootbeer.

"What's a 'Jones' Brayden asked reading my bottle.

"It's a drink brand Dumbass" i breathily laughed at his idoticy. "And dont touch my beer" i said as he took it out of my hands and I grabbing it back.



Graser's POV

Julio answered the door and i walked behind Robyn.

"THATS BEER?!" Brayden was kinda yelling.

she laughed and i hugged her from behind, placing my chin on her shoulder. "It's Root BEER, so in a way yes. and also, i hope you put on underware Graser because of you dont stop hugging me soon, your pants, are on the floor again"

i laughed and took a step back. "Good thing i didnt bring my knife here. It's fun pranking you guys" we all stared at her. "What?" she looked at us.

"You were thinking about bringing a KNIFE HERE?!?!" Mitch was scared, so was Julio and Ryan.

"Yea, i use it all the time. why are you all so surprised?"

<{Knife action, lol they all had heard by now she has a knife, but they didnt think she was serious. See you in the next chapter!}>

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