Finding my ways

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I can't believe she ran away. I couldn't call a police cause it's kind of unnecessary. Me and Austin decided to go visit Jenn's parents again.

I rang the door bell and I heard loud foot steps running down the stairs. They were so worried. I could tell, but who wouldn't be. Someone I love ran away and I'm acting like I don't care. Wait. Do even like her?

Um Dylan are you okay?

I just sat there with a unpleasant face. I have put too much thought into one idea. The question I was confused about was if I liked her still.


I was behind Dylan waiting for him to enter her parents door. He was in shock. I noticed a couple days ago that I still have strong feeling for Jenn. I Aldo had too look more into the whole smoking incident.

I jogged up the stairs to her room. I was trying to find something that could cause this or explaining everything. Usually people hide things under their mattress. Right? Cause that's what I do with my journal.

I lifted it up and I found a blue and floralish. I'm guessing it was her diary. I sat on her bed a opened the book. It was filled with drawings from when she was little and she dated them.

"Woah 1/13/99 that was a while ago"

The drawing started getting more mature and. well. better. Then I got to the actual writing. It was a list of all the places she wanted to visit.

August 12, 2013

I know this might sound bad but, I smoked for the first time last week. And I kinda got addicted. Not in a bad way I'm just stressed out with school and drama. I started this so I wouldn't start cutting of suicidal.

She was depressed this whole time? before we even met. I can't believer this. She didn't even meet Dylan yet.

I wondered what kind of drama she got into and I noticed I skipped a whole bunch of pages about school and this girl named Nichole. She was basically a bully who had a gang and would beat her up about all the time and then that's when she moved to this school.

I don't want to believe any of this. This was so sad. I can't believe she didn't tell anyone about this.

I heard someone leave the house and start a car. I looked out to see who it was. It was Dylan speeding down the street.


I got to the air port and had enough for a plane ticket to LA. I could believe I was doing this all so quick. I say down in the gates and waited for my time.


It was time for me to leave and start a whole new life.

I gave the flight attendant my ticket until I heard my name.


I turned around to see who it was. It was Dylan running towards me with a bag behind his bag. Crying with his arms opened to hug.

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