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The first thing you thought when you stared up at the building that you'd shortly be interviewing in: this company must be rich.

The second thing you thought? There's no way I'm getting this job.

You pushed through the glass doors to the lobby anyways, figuring that it was too late to cancel and even though it was a long shot, you made it to the last stage of the interview process, which was better than most could say. 

"Hello, (Y/N). Welcome to Tuckersoft- we do hope you enjoy our new campus. Mr. Thakur is waiting on level 9 for you," the receptionist greeted, dressed smartly in her blazer, pencil skirt, and heels. You smiled nervously at her before pressing the elevator call button, suddenly feeling very out of place in your Chucks, jeans and geometric-patterned tee. At the old office, it would've been more than appropriate, but here things seemed a little more upscale. 

Mr. Thakur did say that the interview was casual... I knew I should've gone home and changed when I saw how nice the new building was. Shit! Hopefully they like to hire bums...

After a few brief stints acting as an interface developer for other startup companies in the late 70's and early 80's, you decided to apply for a position at the quickly-expanding Tuckersoft company. They already had enjoyed much success, thanks to the famous programmer Colin Ritman, and you were ready for your career to finally take off. Unfortunately, you felt like you'd already missed your chance at the job. 

The elevator dinged, signalling that you'd arrived at your floor, and you stepped out to see the CEO himself waiting for you.

"Ah, yes, (Y/N)! The woman of the hour, please do follow me!" He greeted you warmly, giving you a vigorous handshake and a jolly grin. He placed a hand between your shoulder blades and guided you about the office space. Rows and rows of desks with computers lined the immense room, which was made to seem even bigger by its floor-to-ceiling windows. Your eyes widened, imagining the cost of all the space and equipment. "You like it, yeah? All thanks to a few geniuses who put our company on the map- speak of the devil, there's one now."

You followed his gaze to see a stoic looking man sitting back in his chair, legs crossed and propped on his desk, smoking a roll-up. Besides his blonde, spiky hair and distinctive eyebrows, you didn't think you were looking at anyone too special. "Who's that?" you asked shamelessly.

Mr. Thakur looked at you like you were from another planet. "Why, that's Colin Ritman of course! Let's go meet him, then. C'mon now, he doesn't bite. Colin! This is that Apple girl I was telling you about!" He was basically pushing you in the direction of the rockstar programmer, considering your legs refused to budge. Never in your life did you imagine that Colin Ritman would be so... attractive. He wasn't dorky looking like your male coworkers back in America- he just seemed to emanate coolness .

When you'd finally made it over to his desk, you flushed and looked away, realizing that you'd been staring. His gaze traveled up and down your body, and you could feel it. "Name's Colin, but I'm sure Mr. Thakur here has already told you that." Even his voice was sexy- so British that it hurt.

"(Y/N)," you replied curtly, trying to maintain your composure. He did a double-take, before he focused back on the computer screen in front of him.

"Forgot you were American. Obviously, if you worked for Apple..." he trailed off. An awkward silence ensued where the only sound was Colin typing, before Mr. Thakur intervened.

"Well then, show her what you've been working on." Colin pressed the run button, and suddenly a stick figure was diving through the air. He maneuvered it with his mouse, collecting small colored icons along the way. 

Office Fling (Colin Ritman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now