When I saw Him

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I was sleeping.Then....BOUNCE!!! My little sister "tryed" to wake me up by jumping on the bed!! It was my first day of school btw.after that.... like I told you...Its my first day of school So I was getting ready.... And she FRICKING POURS SLIME ON ME!!!!I knew I would have a bad day.but.... THINK GOD THE SLIME CAME OUT OF MY HAIR!It was sticky slime. We soaked my hair in vinegar and conditioner and body wash.(if you have slime in your hair that will work)After getting ready....I got on the bus and I made a few friends and a boy his name was Rex he was cute😍I really wanted to ask him out.I was in L💖VE!He had blue hair and I had blue hair lol.He had blue eyes I had blue eyes!

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