2 (cold nights)

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My mother silently weeped in a corner and I let her. I forgave her so long ago but the horrible memories remain, creeping up on me every night. I wake up in cold sweats, hands shaking, and my breath shortening.

Trust me, that man did a number on me mentally, physically and emotionally.


My mom placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and I let her, that’s the most she’ll get out of me.

After that she was gone.


I laid down in the all white bed and closed my eyes and they became heavier, and heavier, and heavier.


“Nylon, you’re so beautiful” my uncle blocked me.

“Get away from me you fucking bastard!” i threw glass at his feet.

“Oh don’t be like that” he began feeling me up.

I cried for hours alone naked with this monster.


I screamed feeling his hands go up my body.

My caretaker rushed in by my side, “it’s fine Nylon, it’s okay” she rocked me.

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