Chapter 16

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Barbara was confused. She didn't know whether to hold Esi, pat her back or walk out of the ward so Esi could calm down on her own. Barbara blamed herself for not keeping her mouth shut.
'I am sorry.' she said remorsefully and moved to rub Esi's back.

'It's not your fault...Maybe I shouldn't have married him...I just...Just...' Esi sobbed and cried harder.

Barbara didn't want to ask or meddle in Esi's matters. She already felt she was to blame for the tears.

'Don't worry.'Barbara continued to coax. She really wasn't going to commit herself to become a counsellor.

'I always thought our love would continue in its sweetness.'

Barbara rained silent and continued to pat Esi's back.

'Can I be alone please.' Esi suddenly spoke up and raised her wet face.

Barbara nodded and began to walk away.

'Wait...Can you please leave your phone so I make a call to my mother?' Esi pleaded.

Barbara hesitated,took two steps backwards and placed the phone in Esi's outstretched hand.

'Thank you.' Esi held onto the phone and watched the nurse walk out of her ward and shut the door.

She swyped it open and began to type her mother's number in the dial section but stopped after the eighth digit. Her mother hadn't been bothered when she had gone home complaining about Jake, would she be bothered about her being in the hospital?

Esi looked at the screen of the phone and thought hard. Seconds later her decision was made. She wasn't going to call her mother but she will find out who the nurse had been speaking to. Opening the call log, her speculations were confirmed. The last received call on the cell phone was that of Jake. Her thumb tapped the number gently and she watched as the phone connected with Jakes.


Jake's concentration on the legal documents before him was interrupted by the vibration of his phone. He frowned when he recognized the number belonged to the female he had spoken to from the hospital. Drumming his fingers lightly on his table, he watched the phone vibrate till it ended and shifted his attention back to the documents.

Not too long after, his phone began to vibrate again. In frustration, he picked up the call and answered.

'Hello? Have you been able to go through her records yet? How much do I need to pay?' he demanded over the phone.

His rant was met with silence from the caller.

'Hello? Is anyone there?!' Jake raised his voice.

The caller remianed silent.

Jake quickly ended the call and muttered under his breath.

He flipped through the documents and picked up his pen to sign the last page when the phone rang again. Without looking at the caller ID, Jake answered and shouted;

'You can't keep calling and remain silent. I need to work to make money to pay for her...' His voice trailed off.

'I am sorry... I guess this was the wrong time to call...' Eyram squeaked over the phone.

'Eyram?' Jake forced a calm reply.

'Yes please.'

'I am sorry...I have been having prank calls and...' Jake pleaded.

'Don't worry. Your mum asked me to pass by and pick up your son from her end.' she said almost inaudibly.

Jake opened his mouth to speak but shut it. He knew exactly what his mother was up to.

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