Falling For You- A Liam Payne Fan Fic Part 5

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Chapter 5

 I clutched my stomach. Pain was shooting everywhere. Have you ever belly flopped off a high dive? Well, it's 100 times more painful than that.

I was still sitting down, I tried to get up quickly before my mom got suspicious. I lifted up my shirt to reveal the blueish/purplish bruise that started forming. I pulled down my shirt and started to stand up but was quickly pulled down by the pain that erupted from my back.

"Madi Honey, Dinner is ready," my mom called from the kitchen.

"Coming," I called back. I sucked in a breath and stand up with my wobbly legs.

"Crap crap crap," I mumbled when my stomach starting hurting again."Come on Madi you can do this," I whispered to myself.

I held on to stomach as I walked in keeping my back straight so my spine didn't hurt. When I got into the kitchen I nearly collapsed on the chair opposite from Holly J and Jon.

"you okay sweetie?" my mom asked while setting a plate of lasagnas in front of me. I looked over at Jon who was giving me one of those innocent looks.

"Yeah fine," I mumbled. I looked down at the plate of lasagnas in front me, i nearly puked. When Jon punched me in the stomach I had lost my appetite.

"Umm, Mom I'm not hungry anymore," I said.

"But honey, lasagnas are your favorite," my mom replied.

"I know Mom, but I had a huge lunch at school," I lied. "And I'm really not hungry."

I cast a glance at Jon, he had a smirk on his face. That bastard! Holly J on the other fact was stuffing her face with Lasagnas, Wow how lady like.

Before my mom had a chance to reply the doorbell rang. "I'll go get it!" my mom said happily. My mom rushed out of the kitchen like a dog chasing a squirrel.

"So Madison, I really hope I wasn't a bother," Holly J sneered.

"Not at all," I smirked imitating the one Jon did earlier. "By the way, why the fuck did Jon even invite you."


"I can do whatever the hell I want, it's my house anyways!" I yelled back.

"Bitch you're gonna get it when we're finished here!" Jon yelled.

"Whatever," I looked away. Jon's face was turning red with anger by the second.

Just then my mom popped up, "Kids Is everything all right? I heard some yelling."

"N-," I started by was interrupted by Jon.

"Everything is fine, Mrs. Greene," Jon smiled his dazzling smile that made every girl at school fall on their knees.

"Alright good," My mom smiled back then she cast her smile at me,"Madi, I have a surprise for you!"

My dad came out and wrapped his arm around my mom's waist.

"DADDY!" I screamed happily. And ran towards him ignoring the pain that erupted on my stomach.

"MADI!" my dad imitated me. And engulfed me in a bear hug. I pouted playfully while crossing my arms. I winced when my arm made contact with the bruise.

"Are you okay?" my dad asked concerned.

"Yeah Fine," I said forcing a smile on my lips.

"Are you sure? You don't look like your okay."

"I am, Don't worry about me," I said.

"Alright princess," My dad said while ruffling my hair.

"Ooohhh! Lasagnas!" My dad said happily. He loves lasagnas just as much as I do. We all laughed.

During dinner, we talked happily, well except Holly J and Jon who kept giving me glares. Just when we all finished eating, Jon began talking. "Well, the dinner was amazing Mrs. Greene,"Jon smiled while both him and Holly J stood up.

"And Thank you so much for having me," Holly J smiled. What?! Was my mind playing tricks on me?! I had no clue that Holly J had a freakin' good side!

"It was no problem at all, really hope you guys would join us more often," My mom said smiling back. "Madi, why don't you usher them out?"

"Okay," I said while holding my stomach and walking out. As we were at the door Holly J turned towards me, "See you at school, bitch." And walked out.

Jon looked down at me and hugged me hard, pain started to erupt from my back and stomach. I tried to pull out of his arms but he just held onto me even harder.

A few seconds later, he let go. "I hope that taught you to never disobey me or even talk to me like that again, you're lucky that I didn't rip your head open."

I winced when the pain exploded like a volcano.

I nodded my head. "See you at school."

"Why would I want to see you at school? You know what never mind bye." Jon replied while walking to his car.

I closed the door and walked over to the living room. My dad was sitting on the sofa watching tv on our huge plasma screen tv.

"Hi Daddy," I said while hugging his side.

"Hey Princess," my dad said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"How was Iraq?" I asked curiously.

"It was okay, I'm glad I'm back," my dad said smiling down at me.

"I'm glad you're back too," I smiled. I'm happy that I had my daddy back. The guy who would protect me when I was little, the guy who always cheered me on when I was gloomy. Just about every characteristic there was to a Dad.


YAY! Madi's Dad is back <3

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Picture of Holly J on the side...

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