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Alaska sat by the others holding a controller looking at the screen waiting for the game to load He felt someone watching me so He looked in the direction to see none other than Washington trying to get his attention,
"Need something Washington?" Alaska asked

"I'm just curious, what would you do if you were a spartan?" Wash asked
'Shit did he find out about me?! How?!' Alaska thought to himself
"I don't know, what about you?" I replied
"I'd explore more, meet aliens, just feel free, away from this hell hole" he said 'oh he has no idea the horrors I've seen' he thought to himself
"Interesting" Alaska replied then noticed the game loaded so he started to play.

After multiple rounds Everyone was tired so they all agreed it was time to turn off the game and hit the hay
"Night guys" He said and everyone grumbled tiredly. Alaska walked into his quarters then to his cot and let sleep consume him.

He awoke to screaming. Alaska ran out from his quarters just to see an agent covered in water, 'this is feeling more like home, there are pranksters among us' he thought laughing thinking about Jackson's pranks
"Some of us are trying to sleep here" I said and looked at the time 0100 hours
"What are you even doing up this early" Alaska asked and the agent didn't respond. Alaska sighed knowing he won't be able to go to sleep again he went to the training deck for some sparring.

After about 50 rounds Tex walked in and watched Alaska. 'He seems to be reacting much faster than he did when sparring with me and Carolina' she thought to herself. The bot fell to the ground.
"F-I-L-S-S another round" Alaska ordered the AI
"Agent Alaska you've done more rounds in sparring then even Agent Texas, I'm afraid I'm will not allow you to do more rounds" Filss said
"I said another one" Alaska again ordered but got another protest from filss.
"Max do something" Alaska said as an AI appeared on Alaska's shoulder
"Filss Alaska's worked up he needs to blow off steam and this is the only way to do it" Max said trying to talk since into Filss but to no avail. Alaska sighed and looked over to see Tex,
"Tex help me out" Alaska asked
"No, you've done enough" you need some rest before sparring again" Tex said going on Filss's side. Alaska sighed and walked out of the training room and to the gym. Tex shadowed him being suspicious and catching onto the act.

     Alaska instantly went to a treadmill and turned it on full speed, easily keeping pace
'I hate this nothings fit for me' Alaska thought. Tex decided to confront him
"Alaska, can I speak to you" She asked and Alaska instantly slowed the
Treadmill to a stop,
"Yeah what do you need" Alaska asked
"I need the truth" Tex said
'Shit' Alaska thought
"About?" He questioned
"Everything! Your much stronger than me, no one has ever been able to beat me OR Carolina in a sparring match but you beat both of us, HOW?! And now your running full speed on a treadmill only Maine has been able to do that, so tell me how" Tex said in a voice mixed with anger and confusion
"Hey I don't realize it's not normal, where I came from we had to be the strongest, the fastest to survive" Alaska said calmly
"AND I NEVER SEE YOU SHOW ANY EMOTION" Tex yelled in the same voice of confusion and now rage
"Emotion is only a sign of weakness, you should learn it" Alaska said and started walking away passing Tex then looked over his shoulder
"It might help in the battlefield" Alaska said and walked off to his quarters.

Hey ok sorry for the late chapter as for all the late chapters but hope you all had a happy holiday and new year!

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