hot dogs, hot boys and a certain hot mess

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Not only did Emily want candy floss OH NO. She wanted hot dogs,popcorn, slushy, a sno cone and lastly Corn dogs! I had always envied how mil can eat and eat and eat and not gain a ounce.

Mil spin her head towards me and let out a giggle, I cocked my eyebrow "what's so funny" I questioned "you are" she said between giggles "oh really?" I commented, well I don't have to carry around all you're junk do I ?... I could just drop it all right now...." "you. wouldn't. dare." she said seriously, a dangerous glint in her eyes. she was right of course, especially as this was her birthday treat, and me being the teddy bear I am allowing my sixteen year old self to be bossed around by a twelve year old.

But I was serious about dropping all this stuff as you can imagine one suspicious looking hot dog, one partially spilled bag of popcorn, a ice cold slushy, extra large sno-cone for us to share and a huge panda plush that she had "won" at a darts booth, I had explained to the elderly man manning the stall she knew new nothing about darts and it was her birthday celebration so if he could just pretend she had won and I would pay him for the huge panda plush the man agreed and his acting was amazing.(seriously that guy should be on broadway or something) and it had made mils day . but right now I needed to find a place to sit.

After about five minutes of scanning the area while Emily waited in the line for the corn dogs I spotted a park bench. and with me having the reflexes, klutziness and social abilities of a disabled penguin walked strait into something really Very. Very .Very hard "oh for the mother of fudge" I muttered under my breath as I realised I had smooshed the ketchup and mustard smothered hot dog onto this hard surface, it was only when u heard a deep chuckle that I looked up to see a totally gorgeous guy looking down on me with a mischievous glint in this brown gold flecked eyes. I looked down at his chest again in disbelief. damn,hot dog boy got abs!!! Finally realising what I must look like staring confusedly at his chest, I jerked back into reality "oh I'm so sorry ....uhhhh..i can pay for dry cleaning if u want" he interrupted my rambling with a deep laugh ...oh so sexy...WAIT what the HELL RAYNE you just met this guy ! and the only reason he is even looking at you is because YOU SMOOSHED HOT DOG ON HIM!! REAL SMOOTH RAYNE REAL SMOOTH!!!!! "eed a hand" hot dog guy said softly so me with a eyebrow raised in question "oh I uhh....what???" His mouth twitched up a bit at the corner "do you need a hand ?" he asked urggghhhh his voice was like velvet ... STOP RAYNE FOR THE SAKE OF CHEESE AND SPRINKLES STOP!!!! "ohhh uh yeah that would be great if you don't mind...I mean only if you have time...." " Wouldn't ask if I didn't. " He said with a teasing smile on his lips. CONTROL YOURE SELF RAYNE " here I'll take the food, you take the panda.. sound like a deal?" he said with a smirk. deep breath rayne. "deal" I said with a genuine smile

Hot dog boy led me to the nearest picnic table and sat town with a grateful sigh I did the same. "thank you so much for helping me out back there , god knows how much my sister would thrash me if I had spilt any more food !" I chuckled "so you're here with you're sister ? where is she?" he said concernedly, aww he was worried about her I smiled genuinely at him "don't worry, she's over there getting corn dogs" I said pointing in the direction of the corn dog stand "more food!!!" he asked eyes wide. I chuckled "yep my sister eats like a horse, and because Im her slave I get to carry her stuff around" I said cheerily he laughed a deep belly laugh , I took a deep intake of breath. "it's just this moment I realised I don't know know you're name?" he questioned with his head cocked "you first" I replied cheekily "I asked first" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes "fine, I'm Rayne. I said stretching my arm out to shake his hand "I'm Jake," he said sweetly "nice to meet you jake" I said his sandy blonde head nodded in agreement. it was jus then mil came back from getting corn dogs. she took one look at jake raised an eyebrow turned to me and said rather loudly "who's this???" "I'm jake" jake introduced himself to mil very sweetly "Emily." she said and looked him up and down , turned to me and smiled "I'm full anyway" she said with a smile. for a moment I was confused then I remembered the hotdog incident I turned and smiled back at her. "so...." She said while finishing off her corn dog, "we were about to go on the megathon coaster.... wanna come? if yah don't have any thing to do..." she said sweetly "ummm well my friends just bailed on me so I guess... if you don't mind that is" he asked, his eyes locked on mine "no that's cool I smiled at him, "you don't seem like a psychopathic ax murderer" Emily snorted and jake smirked "so I'm taking that as a yes?" aww this guy is so sweet. however Emily begged to differ "obviously you total dingbat!" she said, with a roll of her eyes and possibly as much sass a a twelve year old can muster "Emily!!!" I said sternly "don't be rude !" I looked over to jake to see him desperately trying to hold In laughter "I'm---I'm a--d--ingbat--am I ?" he questioned between chuckles "you most certainly are!" she said curtly. Then with a smile she added "now who's up for some fun!!!!!????"

Our three seater carriage of the roller coaster slowly ground itself up to the mount of possibly the biggest death drop at the park. I looked over at mil, she was bouncing up and down in her seat... probably pumped up with adrenaline, unlike me who was shaking like a leaf jake turned over to me and held out his hand, "feel free to cut off the blood circulation" he said with a smirk. I smiled and took his hand. the carriage finally reached the top of the death drop I reached for mils hand, she took it and gave it a squeeze I doubt she needed it though and before I could take in a breath we were plunging down. Down. down.

I didn't realise till the ride had stopped that I had been screaming very loudly very high pitch. I looked around to see everyone staring at me . I looked over at mil, then to jake and we all burst into hysterical laughter.

🌸😊😝😊Hi guys!!!!😊😝😊🌸

This chapter is so loooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg and sorry for the terrible ending 😩 but yeah hopefully more stuff soon so

please be nice 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

Virtual candy


🍐🍍🍐🍍🍐🍍🍐🍍Have a great day my little pineapples and pears🍐🍍🍐🍍🍐🍍🍐🍍

Picture of jake at the side next chapter I'll put a picture of Rayne PINKY PROMISE OK!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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