Why do you have to go

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Third person POV
(Fp like this Alice like this)
Alice hadn't been answering her phone and Fp was starting to get worried Alice always answered her phone on the third ring ever since Hal had died a month ago on their anniversary she had been different more closed off all the serpents could see it. Fp pulled up to the trailer on the southside it was winter so he had drove the few blocks to when he could have walked his wife gladsy was Alice's best friend and she was worried like everyone else. He got out of the car and walked up the stairs then knocked on the door no answer he knocked again no answer then finally he banged on the door little did he know Alice was right next to the door refusing to open the door. "Alice come on open the door I know your there we are all really worried about you please open up" he waited then he heard sniffling from the other side and he knew she was in there he waited a couple more seconds before he got a response "Fp please just leave me alone" but he won't give up that easily he took the key that Alice had given gladsy for emergencies only he undid the lock and opened the door to see boxes all around the house everything was packed. "Going somewhere Ali" he said as he walked in her house nearly tripping over hotdog who seemed to always be over at her house Fp how did you get in never mind don't answer that for your information I am moving to New York riverdale holds to many bad memories Fp was shocked Alice had grown up on the southside and now she was leaving but before he could say something he heard the sound of a moving truck common Ali think this through you grew up in riverdale what about the serpents what about gladsy he tried to think of anything to make her stay but what he didn't know was that Alice was pregnant with triplets from her dead husband Even if I grew up in riverdale no matter how many good memories I have I can't stay here not after Hal and you can lead the serpents you don't need me and tell gladsy I say goodbye and that's all she said as she walked out Fp just stood there in shock and the next day he was crowned serpent king as Alice had stepped down as queen.

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