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Guys I'm doing a tag again! I'm so proud of myself😭❤️

I was tagged by Your_little_Ifrit to do this. Thanks❤️

I was very lazy to crop that photo

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I was very lazy to crop that photo.

Q1 What is your nickname?

My name is janhavi so my nickname is janu but no one calls me that except for my family. Why? Because in India, janu is the hindi version of baby ( the romantic meaning one). So whenever I tell any of my friend my nickname, they are disappointed af because they can't call me that 😂

Q2 Your eye colour

Chocolate brown. Like Lillian Linton.

Q3 Your hair colour

Dark brown

Q4 One fact about you

I can touch my nose with my tongue😂 not many people can do that

Q5 Favourite colour

There are three. Blue, grey and black.

Q6 Favourite place


Q7 Favourite celebrity

Umm there are many. Actually there are celebrity crushes. Check my bio for that I'm too lazy to type so many names.

Q8 Favourite song

Ha there are many. At the moment, imagine by ariana grande. All time favorites, pehla Nasha.

Q9 Favourite animals

Bunnies and puppies! They're so cute!

Q10 Favourite book

Storm and silence forever!❤️ Also Harry Potter. Check my bio for more.

I have to tag 20 people












Omg only 11 yet. Rest 9 are whoever reading this. I'm really too lazy to do anything right now so sorry.

Yours truly

Princess Consuela Banana Hammock

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