The Waiting Room

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      The world is covered in velvet darkness.  You can't see a thing until you open your eyes...which had to blink quite a few times before your vision finally cleared.  You've been unconscious for a long while, you wagered.  You take a deep breath, and wince at the pulsating pain in the back of your head, just above where the neck meets the head.  After another moment, you focus on the room in front of you.
      The part of the room you can see is gross, and disheveled.  The walls and floor are a weird green swampy color, stained after years of leakage from the ceiling to the floor.  The walls were probably white before, you were guessing, but you couldn't be sure.  The walls and floor are also made from tile, tile that was stained and dirtied with who knows what.  There is a door that is opened wide, near the far corner of the room; this door looked heavy, as if it were made of metal.  And finally, you can see that judging by the location of the light in the room, one dim overhead lightbulb dangled above your head.  It slightly swung to and fro, making your eyes squint to make out the rest of the room.
      You grunt softly, and try to gather your're tied to a chair, you figure out just a second later.  As you grip your hands into weak fists, you can feel just how tight the knots actually are.  They were pretty damn tight.  And the rag wrapped in and around your mouth wasn't really that comfortable either.
      Another grunt escapes your throat, and you begin to wake up a little bit more, until you are fully aware of your situation now.  The ropes around you seem to tighten as you whimper, and suddenly, you realize you're not alone.
      You whimper and whine, starting to panic, until, from behind you, out steps a guy who smiles close to your face. 
      "Helloooo there...heh...wide awake now...are we..?" 
      You whimper again in response, as you stare at this man who..wasn't a man.  His skin is close to white, his eyes wider than a normal human's..his smile....wider than any smile you have ever seen..the flesh around it is scarred and split, and you can tell that this was probably his own doing.  He wore a white bloodstained hoodie, the hood pulled up over his long black hair.  Damn..he even smelled of blood and iron.  A man...more like a monster...
      The man stands straight up again and nonchalantly pulls out a knife.  He glides his fingers over the edge, watching as if he was silently basking in the metal's blood stained beauty.  He cuts his finger by accident, but he says nothing, and merely looks at the bleeding scratch.
       " you're the one who's been sneaking around this ..."  he doesn't look at you as he says this, and immediately you remember what you had been doing just before your world went black.

{The Carabage Asylum, the place where nightmares become real.  For a month, you've been scouting the place out, sneaking into the place almost every night to map the whole building out on a big piece of paper.}

{People would keep telling you to put the asylum away from your mind.  "Too dangerous", they said, "just not stable", they would say.  But in the end, your curiosities were just too great, hearing about the stories of this place and what secrets it's walls could hold.  A killer who runs the asylum...a mysterious dark energy....what sounded scary to others wasn't scary to you.  So you would use a lock pick to break in from the front door, and then you would lock the place back up when you leave.}

{One evening, you had just finished drawing in the first floor, when something had moved behind you, just upon the landing on top of the stairs.  You stop your hand from writing and sit in the heavy silence.  It was raining outside, but even rain couldn't have made a strange noise like that.  It had sounded like a footstep, or a scuffle, as if someone was watching you from the second floor balcony.  It sounded..human.}

{Before you could turn yourself around completely to look behind you, somebody had already grabbed you and stuffed a gag in your mouth.}

{You don't remember the darkness enveloping your vision, nor do you remember what caused it.  You do remember, however, having agonizing moments of consciousness, which were blurred and confusing.  You had kicked and tried to get away, even though you were very weak and most likely drugged, but no matter what you tried to do, you couldn't get away.}

{The last thing you remember is a puffy, blurred scene of you being tied to a metal chair, and the pain pulsating through the back of your head as you blacked out once more.}

      You stare off, deep in your own thoughts, while the sound of your heart pounds in your ears.  The man holding the knife crosses his arms, shifting his weight onto one hip.  He looks down at you in amusement.
      "Heh...remember now, sweet pea..?"  His voice seemed breathy, and it wavered ever so slightly.  It was as if he was trying to hold his voice together with some scotch tape.  You did have to admit though, the tone of his voice was strangely smooth.  Two words could describe his shake-y voice: Sickeningly Sweet.
      "You walked right into my fortress of solitude.."  The guy walks slowly around you to the back of your chair.  He smiles now, which now looked a bit more grotesque, being paired along with his permanent smile that was slit across his cheeks.  He leans down and whispers hot breath into your right ear, "You broke into my home, you dirty little RAT."
      The heat from his red, blistered lips gives you chills that run up and down your whole body, creating goosebumps along your arms, legs, neck and back.  You freeze in place and your eyes widen.   The guy stands back up straight and starts walking to the front of you again, this time running his fingers along the back of your neck, to your shoulder and the front of your throat as well.  "So now, I'm afraid will have to pay for what you did, sweetheart..."  The cold steel from his blood stained knife was suddenly pushed against your throat, and you again freeze in your current seat. 
      With your breath hitched, you look into his wide, bloodshot eyes with your own wider ones.  There was no mistaking it...there was murder in his eyes...and you were going to be his next fresh kill.

"ASYLUM"  A Yandere Jeff the Killer x Fem.ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now