The Meeting: Em's P.O.V.

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~Emilia's P.O.V~


That 5'11 feet tall girl, with light brown eyes and white bleached hair was fangirling every minute of her life. Don't get me wrong, i love Roxy, but it gets annoying sometimes. All the shouting and jumping, it's too much. As always, she was wearing a band shirt, which today happens to be a Green Day one, some high waisted black leggings and converse. She was really simple when it comes to fashion.

"I know right! I'm sure the boys wont be able to get their hands and eyes off me." Rosie said, while flipping her hair.

I rolled my eyes at her. She was gorgeous, I'll admit, but she was really full of herself. Her 5'11 feet body walked infront of me with roxy, moving her bum from the left to the right, while her long brown hair fell down her back till her bum.she turned around and looked at me with her ice cold blue eyes and winked before turning back to Roxy as she fixes her black shorts (who were actually way too short, it's like she's in a Nicki Minaj video.) and her dark pink crop top that said "Bitch.", allong with some black vans.

"Ugh. Please,not even a dog would want to touch her." Chloe mumbled.

I chuckled and looked over at the 6'2 ft tall girl, with long Blue hair, and light blue eyes. Chloe was all outgoing and didn't get nervous at all. She wasn't affraid to say what was on her mind, which was something i loved about her. She was wearing some black leggings, a top that said "pizza" (She's obsessed with pizza, just like me, but she's worse.), some black punk boots and a white bandana in her hair. Looking as bad ass as always.

"Just let her be, she plays the bass, we need her in the group." I say, looking up at her.

Yes, i actually have to look up at her, since i am the shortest one in the group. My 5'2 ft body refuses to get taller for some reason. I play with my long, dirty blonde hair, since i'm kind of nervous to meet 5SOS. I look down at my high waisted shorts, and my white Teenage Runaway tank top. Looking down at my white low converse, i bite my bottom lip.

"Hey, stop being so nervous. you'll be fine!" Chloe said with a small smile.

I looke up at her with my dark brown, almost black eyes and smiled. "Sorry, I'm worried they won't like us or anything."

"Don't worry Em. They wont even be looking at you, as long as i keep them under my spell, you guys will be fine" Rosie said with a smirk.

Chloe opens her mouth, about to curse Rosie's ass off,before Simon interupts her.

"Hello girls! Are you ready to meet the boys?" He asks.

Rosie and Roxy jump and yell yes, while i just nod my head and Chloe mumbles a small yes, still pissed off.

"Great." Simon says. "Now I want you girls to be on your best behaviour. No screaming, no fangirling, no overreacting, no cursing, no jumping, no seducing" He glanced over at Rosie. "and no love stuff. I don't want the media to get involved before you have even started."

We nod as Rosie just rolls her eyes.

"Now go inside. And good luck girls." he says before walking away.

I take a deep breath, standing infront of the door. "You guys ready?" Roxy asks.

I nod. "Let's do this."

Rosie holds the door knob, and turns it, opening the door.

"OH MY GOD!" Roxy screams at the top of her lungs while jumping up and down.

Well, we just broke 3 rules already. Great.

Scared to look up, i stared down at my shoe's and hid behind Chloe.

"Uhm, Can somebody get her off me please?" A voice said.

I looked up to see Roxy holding onto Calum tightly.

"Roxy, get off him or you can kiss your precious poster collection goodbye." Chloe said.

Roxy quickly let go of Calum and stood next to Rosie.

"Hello, I am Rosie." Rosie said, playing with her hair, biting her lip and winking at the boys.

"I'm Roxy!" Roxy says jumping a bit and waving at them.

"I'm Chloe." Chloe said, winking.

"I thought the band had 4 girls?" Luke asked.

"Oh." Chloe stepped away from infront of me.

I looked up and found everyone looking at me, as my face turned red.

Thanks a lot Chloe. I'm going to kill you later.

I cough a bit awkwardly and say "I'm Em." And giving them a small wave.

The boys nod. "Well, I'm Luke!"

"I'm Ashton!"

"I'm Michael."

"I'm Calum."

"And we're 5Seconds Of Summer." They said at the same time.

"But you probably already knew that." Ashton said with a chuckle.

"We did." Rosie replied with a wink.

"So, maybe we should hear you guys play first, so we can help out after." Calum said.

"Sure." Chloe said as we start getting ready, and the boys sit down.

We play 1985 by Bowling For Soup, One of Chloe's favourites.

Once we finish off, i look over at the boys nervously.

"That was awesome!" Michael shouts as the boys nod in agreement. "There are some things to work on, but you guys will be amazing in no time!"

"Yes! So each boy will spend about 30 minutes with each girl, telling them what they liked and what they didn't. Then we'll sit down with the person that plays the same instrument and help each other out! is that okay?" Luke says.

We all nod and and say sure.

"Great! So, I'll start off with Chloe, Michael with Rosie, Ashton with Roxy and Luke with Em! in 30 minutes we'll change! GO!" Calum says and grabs Chloe's arm dragging her off her seat torwards a corner of the room.

I chuckle and look over at Luke as Rosie walks behind Michael, touching his arms the whole time and Roxy jumps on Ashton, who is trying to get away.

"Let's sit on the bean bags." Luke says and grabs my arm taking me to the bean bags, i sit down on the red one, crossing my legs while he sits on the black one.

I feel a pair of eyes stare at me, as i look over and see Ashton is the one staring. both our faces turn red before we quickly look away.

I get this feeling in my stomach. weird.

Shaking the thoughts away, i look at Luke and smile.

"Let's start?"

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