4-Banme no nuime

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You were abroad the Going Merry for about a week now,everyone was so welcoming. You already warmed up to everyone...almost.
Nico Robin was a quiet woman,and the rest of the crew,well mostly Zoro,were a little wary of her,and so on,you decided to strike a conversation with the black haired woman.
That was on your to do list today,instead,a massive ship fell from the sky and now you were just on the edge of the ship hanging for dear life as the ship that fell made very strong waves,with pieces of wood falling everywhere on the Going Merry as everyone was on the deck,panicking (you were pretty sure you heard Usopp yelling "bones" during the incident,but decided to ignore it). However as the waves died out and wood stopped falling,you were back on your feet again,mouth agape as you watched the ship sink.
You were suddenly brought from your shocked state as you felt arms around your neck and a sudden weight on your back,you stumbled forward a little,not expecting Luffy to suddenly latch onto you.
"Ne Ne (F/N) what do you think???" he asked childishly,like nothing at all,had happened.
You shook your head and said "To be honest with you Luffy...I don't know what to think...",just as you finished an angry blonde came stomping,yelling at Luffy for "treating a lady badly",said boy only tightened his grip on you and said "But Sanjiiii she's warm!" you giggled at his antics and just as Sanji was going to reprehend the raven haired boy again you intervened with a "It's okay Sanji-san haha,it's not bothering me and I'm pretty strong," you said with a smile "plus,if given the moment I think I'm able to carry any of you,so I'll face it as a training of sorts."
His eyes instantly turned hearts as he began to swoon over you, "OF COURSE (F/N)-CHAAAN!",it only drew another giggle from you as you passed by him,Luffy still latched onto your back,heading to the deck,where everyone else was in.
"So...did any of you discover anything?" you asked with a head tilt (which made Sanji,Nami and Usopp blush a bit,for completely different reasons of course!), however instead of an anwer you only heard "Ah" coming from the navigator's mouth.
"Something's wrong Nami-san?" you asked,voiced laced with concern,after all this was the Grand Line, she looked at you with a frown and said "I think our Log-pose is broken...It's stuck pointing upwards." aaand Robin beat you to the explanation "That's not it.It was updated by an Island with stronger magnetism." you took the chance to continue "If the Log-pose's needle is pointing upwards that means that it's been caught by a sky island!" you said with a warm smile,and Robin nodded while looking at the sky,the others,in another hand,yelled "SKY ISLAND?!" you winced a bit at the volume but nodded anyway "For us,Onis,Sky Islands are important culturally,since most Onis,in the past used to live in them with angels,it seens a war broke down once and the Onis were banned from the sky!"
Robin nodded but Luffy simply yelled "A FLOATING ISLAND?!" followed by Usopp and Zoro with "D-did that ship and those bones fall from one ???"
"But I can't see anything like an Island in the sky."
Again Robin quickly answered, "That's not it. To be more precise there is a sea floating up there." to which you nodded,staring at the black haired woman with sparkling eyes 'She's so smart!' you thought. Usopp,Chopper and Luffy interrupted with a "A sea?!",their eyes were sparkling with the thought of a whole new sea in the sky,Sanji however had a confused look on his face "I'm getting more and more confused" you patted his left shoulder and quietly say "The angels up there have something called Island clouds,it's a more solid type of cloud they use as their ground.There are sky islands all over the world,most likely there must have been some above the islands you were before you came to Enbizaka!" to which the blonde nodded,like he understood a little better,and smiled saying "Thanks for the explanation (Y/N)-chan!"
"Yay!There's a sea with an island floating in the sky?! Let's head there right away!" You giggled as Luffy said this and looked at your right,the sea was now calm,and you got lost in it,no hearing a single word now.
Until Chopper esclaimed "W-What is that woman doing opening that coffin?!" you looked at them and averted your eyes to Robin,who was fixing a skull that was in the coffin that fell in the ship 'Since when did a coffin fell right in the middle of the deck?' you thought with a deadpanned expression,but shook it off and went towards the Black haired woman,you sat beside her and watched as she delicately reconstructed the skull, "Can you decipher something from that?",unaswered,"Two pretty women with the dead ,now that's an unexpected combination.",unaswered again, well,that was until Zoro said "Where's Luffy?" you looked around the ship,and the captain was nowhere in sight,then you saw him and the long-nosed boy in the not sunken parts of the ship that fell from the sky,"Adventure,they said." answered the cute reeinder,that was hiding behind the mast,you giggled at him and Chopper,blushed and exclaimed "I know you giggled because you thought I was cute,I'm not happy you idiot!" and there it was the cute little dance he always does.
"Oh,restoration complete!"
You looked back to see a full skull,and you noticed two holes in the skull and continued to stare, "The holes here are man-made." said Robin,followed by Sanji,"I see...Then this guy's head was pierced and he died."
"No,these are indications of medical treatment...it's craterization,right,Doctor?"
"Yeah,in the past,they made holes in the skull in order to constrain brain tumors,but that's a medical technique from very long ago" said the blue nosed reindeer
"That's right,it's been at least 200 years since he died" you said,suddenly serious with the informations that were now being displayed.
"He was in his early thirties,fell ill in the sea and died." Robin said,you still mantained your serious composure but you were rather impressed by how much she could tell from only a skull,she continued "The reason his teeth are in better condition than the rest of the bones is because tar was rubbed in them,that's a common tradition in the South Blue,so most likely this was a exploration party ship from the past." she said and flipped some pages of a diary she had found "Here it is "St. Briss",as the Briss kingdom in the South Blue. It set sail 208 years ago"

The Straw Hat's Seamstress (One Piece x Reader) *BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now