I've Never Known Love

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"I've never known love. That's something I told myself every time someone flirted, winked, asked me out etc. The concept was always alien to me and I thought that was how it would always be, that was until I met them. A person so beautiful that it's enough to make me choke on my own words, a person who can simply walk into the room and make me go from feeling cold and angry to feeling warm and calm. I don't know why but I feel something different for them, different to the feelings everybody else makes me feel. When someone talks to me I usually immediately feel angry, angry that they're wasting my goddamn time with their shit but with them...they talk to me and I feel...soothed and attentive. I feel the need to listen to every word as if they were the most important words to ever be spoken. They make me question myself, question my own mind, question my own strengths. But why? Why do they do that to me? And why am I so fucking angry at myself for feeling these things?"

Venable sat staring off into the distance while everybody sat around the table talking amongst themselves. She'd been getting lost in thought a lot lately and it was making people feel more relaxed as they could get away with doing certain things when she was zoned out. Suddenly (y/n) came clamouring into the dining area, "Sorry! I'm sorry! I totally lost track of time! I'm so sorry for being late Ms Venable!" They said, trying to catch their breath from running through the bunker.

Venable snapped out of her thoughts, her eyes on (y/n) as if she were an eagle looking at her prey. Silence filled the room for a while, enough to make it deafening before Venable looked down at her empty plate. "It's fine, take your seat." She said, her voice sounding less harsh than usual. Almost immediately Coco jumped up out of her seat, "wait, why the hell are they allowed special treatment? If any of us were even a second late you'd have us beaten!" She spat furiously. She quickly lost her confidence as the pounding of Venables cane echoed through the room as she stood up, not saying a single word she slowly made her way over to Coco, as the thudding of the cane drew closer, Coco felt more and more fear at what punishment was about to ensue. In a flash Coco felt a sharp sting in her face, Venable had slapped her hard, hard enough to make Coco fall back into her seat. "(Y/n) is not getting any special treatment and if you question my authority again I'll have you thrown out into the wasteland with the puss filled surface dwellers." She said, venom filling each word she said. Meanwhile (y/n) was sat in their seat with wide, guilt ridden eyes, they sat fiddling with a lose bit of skin on their thumb, anxiety filling their body at why Venable was being so different with them. After the exchange between them both Coco sat silently and ate her meal as Venable made her exit and went to her room, the deep thudding of her cane growing more distant. The atmosphere during dinner was tense and everybody felt on edge.

After dinner (y/n) was approached by one of the Greys and was told that Ms Venable had summoned them. After thanking the Grey they quickly made their way to her room, feeling hesitant before knocking. "Come in." Venables voiced boomed from within the room, (y/n) hadn't even knocked but somehow she knew they were there. They opened the door and sheepishly entered, "close the door behind you." Venable said, (y/n) did as they were told and closed the door after they entered. "Is there a problem Ms Venable?" (Y/n) asked nervously. Venable was stood facing a bookshelf with her fingers brushing along spines of the books on the shelves. She turned around and made her way over to her guest and stopped inches from them. "If it's about dinner I deeply apologise, if there is anyway I can make it up to you I'll gladly do it, I know you're strict on your rules and I don't want the others giving you a hard time if you let me off, please it's my pleasure to do whatever it is you need." (Y/n) explained, they really didn't mind the bunkers strict rules, they thought that discipline was essential given that they were the last people alive who weren't infected with radiation or had any mutations. They also seemed to be the only one in the bunker who had any shred of care for the woman in charge. Venables head cocked to the side with confusion at why they were so accepting of a punishment despite her not uttering a single word. "I don't want to punish you, I do need to do something though." She said, both of her hands resting on her cane as her index finger tapped with the slight anxiety she felt. "Of course, anything Ms Venable, I really respect you and I know how hard you work, not trying to buy you with flattery or anything I just-" (y/n) tried to talk but was cut off as Venable lunged forward and pressed her lips against theirs. Venables hands went from the canes head to (y/n)s face almost instantly after their lips connected, the cane making a loud sound as it fell over and hit the floor. (Y/n) was speechless, they brought their hand up to Venables cheek and placed their other on her waist to hold her as the two shared this embrace.

I've Never Known Love. (Venable x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now