| Chapter Four |

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Hi, I'm very sorry for the long wait, there has been a lot of things going on lately and it's been very stressful. Sounds like a load of crap but I'm trying. Again I'm so sorry, I hope you enjoy.
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~5 Months Later~

I open the front door and see him. "Drift? What are you doing out here, it's cold?" I say. Slowly he turns, his arms crossed over his chest. We're 10 feet apart and face to face when I find that he looks scared, his hands are showered in blood. He's shaking and crying, I walk toward him but there's this light that comes closer and closer. I scream and quickly sit up with cold sweat dripping down my temples.

There's a knock on the door just feet away. I look up at it in fear. "W-who is it?" I ask, out of breath.
"It's Drift."
"Yeah, come in." The door opens and Drift comes running toward me. He kneels down in front of the bed with his hand holding mine. "I heard your scream, is everything alright?"
"No I just had a bad dream, that's all." I say softly.

"Oh good, I'm glad you're not hurt." He smiles that smile that gives you butterflies in your stomach. I'm looking into his beautiful brown eyes when I ask, "Drift, what were your friends like in the real world?" He frowns with a sigh, "Well I didn't have many but I did have the best."

I caress his cheek with my hand and lean in. "Um, what are you two doing?" John asks with a laugh.

I jump away in embarrassment when John begins speak. "Enough, I have a mission for you two."
"What? We just did one last night." Drift says. "You signed up son. Are you going to do it or not?"
We both nod. "Yeah, what's happening?" He asks.

"Good. There is something going on in Paradise Palms with Fate, she's hurting a lot of innocent people and she needs to be stopped. I want you two to take her on, yes I know this is big but I know you're ready. You two have worked way too hard these past months." He sighs.

"Wait what do mean by big? I thought you wouldn't want us to do that kind of thing yet." I exclaim. "Well this isn't as strong as Omega, or Dire yet. Let's just call this an experiment, you know, to see how you guys handle it."

Drift stands up pulling me up with him and gives me a nod, "You can count on us sir."
"Alright, perfect! Gather all your 'needs' together and you'll be heading out to the hotel around noon." I stop and freeze. Did he just say Hotel? Me and Drift in a 1 bed, 1 bath hotel? Oh no.

"Mr. Wick, you're aware there's only one bed per room in paradise right?" My laugh comes out tense. "Hon, there will be nothing to worry about. You two shared a bed since the first day you guys met, why does it matter now?" His eyebrows wiggle at me and my face goes red.

"I guess you're right." He laughs jokingly and places the ticket on the desk as he leaves. "Priceless!" He yells down the hallway.


After Mr. Wick walks off it's just the two of us again, but more awkward. "(A/n), were you trying to kiss me?" I panic. Was I? I don't think so, maybe? I then stop and smile at him. "No, I wanted to tell you a secret silly!"
"Mhmm. Sure you do." He says, suspicious.
"I do, and would you want to know what it was?"
"Yes, in fact I would love to know."

I roll my eyes and chuckle at his 'proper' act. "Come closer and I'll tell you." He takes a step closer when I lean into his ear, he tickles me. "No stop!" I manage to say through my laughs. My sides are the most ticklish and he catches me off guard every time.

"You two better be getting packed you hear!" John yells from down the stairs. We throw each other the 'You-heard-em' look and Drift runs off.


We stop at the local ice cream parlor: Sofdeez to grab lunch. They have more than just ice cream. Thank the heavens because eating ice cream before bed, no thank you. Tomorrow there are going to be new people on the island, I'm very excited. "(A/n), hello?"

I shake my head and the cashier is looking at me waiting for me to say something. "Um I'll have the durrburger and no drink please." Drift grabs ahold of my hand and takes me to a table. "Are you alright?" He asks worried.
I nod. "Yeah, sorry I was just thinking to myself."

I set my bag down on the seat next to me and wait for our number to be called. "I'm shocked John is letting us do this, I mean it's cool for us but unusual for him." He nods in agreement, "I'll be back in a sec." He points toward the bathrooms.

"Be fast."
I wait a minute when I hear the lady at the stand, "Number 208, your order is up!" I walk up to the counter and grab our food and walk my way back over to our seat when Drift shows up. "I've got our dinner!" He chuckles and grabs the bags as we head out to the hotel.

•Drift's P.O.V•

"I'm so exhausted, I think my feet are literally about to fall off right now!" I whine and plop down on the dining table chair. "Ugh, tell me about it. It's killing me." (A/n) says. She sets everything out for me on the table and I'm shocked. "Hey, thank you but you didn't have to."

"Yes I did, it's what women do. Right?" I nearly chock on my burger and quickly stand up. "What? No way, women are better than that. You deserve everything." She bit her bottom lip. She only does that when she thinks something is hot or attractive, so I watch her while we eat. "Okay."

15 minutes later

"You liked it?" I ask. "Yes it was really good." She says with a yawn, and rubs her eyes. She lays down without changing and falls asleep against the fluffy mattress. I join her in the bed and cuddle up to her, closely and wrap my arms around her waist.

I fall asleep to the sound of the beat of her heart and the smell of her hair, coconut.

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