chapter two

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 (TW: Mentions bars and drinking)

Remy sat on his bed, the notepad rested beside him. He stared at it, sighing quietly to himself. The only way Dr. Picani will be able to help me is if he knows me. He thought, picking up the notebook. He flipped it open and pulled a pen out of his pocket. He clicked the pen a few times before he began writing.

~ 7:43 pm, January 20th, 2019 ~

30 minutes ago, I returned from my therapy appointment. It took a while because I had stopped at Starbucks to get some more coffee. Now that I'm home, I plan on just hanging out around my apartment. I may head to the bar. Even though it's my day off, I still like it there and the drinks are good, even if I'm not making them.

Remy tossed the notepad haphazardly to the side and hauled himself up. He picked up his sunglasses and walked over to the mirror. He exhaled as he looked himself over. He... was a mess. His hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in days, his white t-shirt had a coffee stain on it, and his gray eyes looked tired and had bags around them. Remy slipped on his shades and his eyes were hidden. "Perfect," he said to himself. He ran a comb through his hair and, instead of changing clothes, threw on a sweatshirt. He chose a black one so any stains on it wouldn't be noticable. He picked up his wallet and keys and opened his door.


Emile got in his car. He slid the key in its place and turned it, starting the car. Once his seatbelt has buckled, he started driving. He and turned on the radio and focused on the road ahead. A quiet sigh escaped his lips, followed by quiet humming. Once Emile was home, he hopped out of his car and walked inside. His house was a little less decorated than his office, but decorated nonetheless. He ambled over to his couch and sat down, draping a blanket over his shoulders. He wasn't cold, he just liked the comfort. He pointed the remote at his TV and switched it on. Emile found a channel he enjoyed and quickly got comfortable. Just another night... He thought to himself.

While watching cartoons, Emile couldn't help but notice he found himself distracted; he was too deep in thought to focus on the show. He just kept replaying the day over and over again in his head... Specifically one part. Dr. Picani sat up and sighed. If he couldn't focus on cartoons, maybe he could on something else. He stood up and walked into his room. Once there, he began rummaging through his drawers until a notebook was found. He started to flip through the pages. The notebook was completely filled with old notes and doodles; there was hardly any blank space. They all were about different patients, mental illnesses, psychological facts, other issues and solutions to those issues. Emile hopped in bed and started reading it. It had been a while since he last read it and he felt like he needed a refresher. He flipped on the lamp on his bedside table. The warm glow of the lamp provided just enough light. Picani sighed quietly to himself and began reading.

(AN: Sorry this chapter is shorter than the last one asdfghhh)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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