Chapter 1 : jealous

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It's been almost 1 year since me and key started to date. In 2 weeks we are going to America for his tour and our anniversary. When I walked downstairs key was on his phone talking and laughing at someone. Babe?? Ooh I have to go bye. Who were you talking to?? Oh nobody my manager. Ahhh ok 👍🏻. Kibum can I ask you something??? Yeah what?? Are you gonna cheat on me in America?? What?!?! No babe I would never. Ok baby saranghae. I was getting ready when key put his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I turned around and kissed his cheek. Are you ready to go now?? Yes
I said. We got in the car and drove off.We arrived at the restaurant and as soon as I stepped out of the car I smelled something really good. Key forgot his phone in the car so he went back out to get it. As soon as he left I saw my ex, jongdae walked over to me and hugged me then key walked in looked heartbroken and left without saying anything. I chased after him but he drove off quickly. I went over and slapped jongdae with tears in my eyes. I ran out and got a taxi to drive me home. When I got there I went inside and key was talking to taemin. Babe??? Oh um I have to go japan to promote a song. How long are you gonna be gone for? A week, I will talk to you later when I get back. So your not gonna speak to me at all?!?!? What did I ever do?!?! I said with tears in my eyes. Key just walked out saying nothing. Taemin said bye and bowed. I ran to my bedroom and started to cry. I did nothing to him and he's acting like this? It's been 2 days without no communication. I went over to onew oppa's house and asked him I could stay until key got back because I was scared to stay by myself. It was a week and so key texted me and asked me where I am. Why do you need to know? I texted him back. What?!?!
Onew oppa took me back and I went inside to find a angry key. WHERE WERE YOU?!?! He screamed. I w-was staying at onew oppa's house why?? What?!?! So you cheated on me?!?! He screamed again. I pulled him to the side and said, no you left me here without any notice you didn't text me for like a week and you ignored me when you left!!! Do you think I was going to be happy about that?!?! Also jongdae hugged me as
a friend!!!!I said crying. J-Joonah, I ran back up to my bedroom and sat there crying the whole night. Key knocked on my door and said do you wanna build a snowman?? No go away!!! I giggled after he said that. I thought his efforts were cute so I let him in. He apologized and said he was wrong for getting jealous so easily. It's ok baby I'm glad that your back.

I hate you, I love you Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora