chapter thirteen

16 1 8

Jacob pov:

I watched her cry. Right in front of me, tears fell down her face like a waterfall. The numbing only helped for so long, and I had to save some for when she fully changed. Fear crept into my stomach at the thought.

If I was scared, I knew she was terrified. Every time she looked at me, it swam in her two different colored eyes. It hurt my heart to see her so scared and in pain. She made me read to her as she cried silently.

"You okay?" I asked for the hundredth time. She nodded, her lips shaking as she took a breath. Her face was pale and thin. She could not eat, her stomach just forced the food out again.

"Yeah" her voice broke with the small words, a whine of pain following. Her back hurt the most, so she always laid on her stomach, me sitting at her feet. She would always turn back and look at me, a small smile on her face before her body shook with coughs.

"One more day," I whispered.

It was the middle of the night, all the fae that knew Yuki were gathered outside her door, worry in our eyes. The kitchen staff was there, all had taken a liking to the kind girl. Mary, a short redhead, stepped closer to the door as a weak cry echoed from inside.

My heartbeat picked up. Kane stared at the door, her lips pulled down in a frown of worry. Was it happening already? She set a soft hand on my shoulder shaking her head as Yuki's loud sobs reached our ears. Everyone was solemnly staring at the wooden door.

"Poor baby," Mary whispered, shaking her head, her hand pressed against the chocolate colored wood. "Her change has not even started yet and she is in so much pain, she be powerful, the young lass." She sighed softly.


"No." Mother nature cut me off before I could say anything. She gave me a sharp glare, walking closer to the door. "I will apply the numbing gel. When I open this door, everyone will do everything they can to keep her alive, okay?" Kane asked.

A quiet 'okay' filled with determination echoed from everyone. Kane pushed open the door carefully, all of us filing in behind her. Yuki looked up at us from her bed, tears dripping onto her pillow.

"Hey," she croaked. Kane gave her a warm smile, worry flashing in her green eyes. I nodded at her, walking to the nightstand and fishing out the gel. I leaned to her ear.

"Kane will apply the gel to your back. Is that still what hurts the most?" I asked. She nodded, sniffling a little. I walked around to the other side of the bed, leaning against it.

"Try and relax sweetheart. " Kane's motherly tone was alive and well. At the moment she was all mother nature. She swiped some gel from the tin, wiping it onto Yuki's back with a sigh.

A warm hand touched mine, my eyes meeting one amber and one blue. She grasped my fingers tightly, forcing me to sit next to her on the bed. Her hand tightened around mine again, pain flashing in her face.

I brushed my knuckles across her cheeks, sweeping up some of her tears. I leaned down to her level again, comforting her.

"It's gonna be okay. Everything is going to be okay." I told her. I was not sure everything was going to be okay, and when she nodded at me, tears still in her eyes, I felt like crying.

"What's gonna happen?" Her hoarse voice questioned. I frowned.

"You will get worse and worse until you suddenly just change. It will be a second of... horrible unbearable pain, then you will feel perfectly fine and a little sore when you make it," I would never say if to her life.

She nodded. Kane finished the gel, moving away and setting it on the end table. Yuki let out a soft sigh. Suddenly she pulled my hand down, forcing me to lie next to her before she snuggled to my chest.

I held completely still, my eyes wide as I stared down at her hair. Her arms wrapped around my waist, her tears making spots of water on my shirt. She looked up at me, her cheeks pink.

"Thank you, Jacob," her name rolled off her lips, a small smile on her face. I nodded my head.

"Your welcome."


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