Oh, Rosaline -.-

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His cheeks reddened. "How can this co-incidence be happening? How on earth did she know I'm travelling to Philippines? How?! " he blurted out. Anger began stacking up. After the devastation their break-up gave them, Christopher thinks she's the beloved wife of Satan. Without the hesistation, he got up his seat, strolled along the isle towards Rosaline's seat. " What. On. Earth. Are. You. Doing. Here?!!" he whispered in Rosaline's cold ear. Rosaline didn't react. As if nothing happened. He knew that Rosaline doesn't care about anything when she's either miserable or hear-broken. It's her way of revenging. Rosaline stared at Christopher's enlarged brown eyes and displayed a demonic smile.

Moments later, the aircraft began shaking like an autumn leaf. The stewardess noticed Christopher and instructred him to return to his seat. Not being able to do anything, he grinned his teeth looking at Rosaline, who wasn't paying attention. He returned to his seat, buckled his seatbelt and began reading a fashion magazine which he thought would remove his anger. But it was the other way. He took turns on looking at Rosaline and flicking the pages like a wild beast.

After raging about Rosaline's presence, he felt exhausted. His eyes slowly shut. Doing so, he noticed that it was dark outside. Perfect timing he thought...

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