Chapter 2: (Ian)

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The door slid open with a whoosh.

"R.D!" Called a voice. " Get over here! "

Rich suddenly slowed down to a snails pace. The man sighed.

"Rich," the man said bluntly. "Come on."

Lilly laughed. "She thinks it's funny," Rich said.

Both men laughed and clasped hands.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" The man asked Rich.

"Ah yes," Rich said. "Ian, Lilly, this is my little brother Derek."

Derek chuckled. "Younger brother, yes," he said. "But little, hey now. I'm taller."

"Oh whatever," Rich said.

Derek chuckled again. "Pleasure to meet the both of you."

He shook my hand, then Lilly's. He leaned down. "Would you two like to test some stuff for me?" He asked.

"No, no," Rich said . "Absolutely not. They haven't even been out of cryo for 2 hours. I can't allow them to test anything yet."

"Yeah," Derek said. "Ok."

Rich looked at his wrist. "Oh wow," he exclaimed. "It's almost 11 o'clock. You two should get to bed."

"What?" Lilly asked.

"Y'know," Derek said. " Sleep? "

"Laying down in bed and closing your eyes," I said.

"Exactly," Rich said.

"You mean I have to lay back down in the cell?" Lilly asked dramatically.

"Oh of course not," Derek said. "There's dorms for that reason."

"Bedrooms," Rich corrected. "I'll show you there."

Rich have Derek a nod and a handshake. We started to walk off, but Derek stopped me.

"Sleep well Ian," he said.

" I think I will, " I told him.

He shook my hand. I turned and walked away with Rich and Lilly. We walked for a while, and turned so many times that I lost count, until we came to a door. Rich scanned his card and the door slid open. Inside the room was two big beds on opposite sides , along with two long dressers.

"Welcome to your room," Rich said. "Each of you have a queen size bed, along with a dresser each. Ian, you get the left side and Lilly, you get the right."

Lilly crept over to the bed and ran her hand over the covers. "It's really soft," she said quietly.

I chuckled to myself and walked over to my bed. As I was walking past Lilly, she stepped back. The heel of her foot caught the top of my foot. I was suddenly plummeting forward, as my head was on a crash course with the floor. I hit the floor and blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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