What Girls wear sometimes...

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Just..just one question...

What...do girls wear sometimes? Like, some of these clothes are really...showy...very showy.

They show too much boobs, too much butt and sometimes, I honestly gag. No joke.

Yeah, they're cute and all, but if you really think about it, you're showing your body to the world wiping really knowing. Ya know what I mean?

Like showing body parts and things, like your stomach for example, but you don't have to do it, it's not required or a rule of girl life.

And don't do it to make yourself feel pretty. Like showing your stomach makes you feel...cute. Or hot..or whatever.

It doesn't.

Some clothes are made for it and others aren't. And some girls make the clothes that aren't supposed to be worn like that...do all the little things like cut and sew to actually make it look like it was bought to show their bellies a bit.

And then...there are the shorts.

The short, short, short, short, shorty shirt shorts.

I thought pants were supposed to COVER your butt....not show it...o.o

I just...I don't understand! Some of these shorts are close to being the length of underwear! So close!

Please, please please please girls....I mean....to be honest...it isn't that cute.

Especially when you do it to impress some guy.


Don't do that. That's...that's just...don't do it. Okay? They aren't worth it if they want you to wear clothes like that.

So..be you okay?

Mkay! ^-^

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