15: Embaressing Nicknames

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🎶Beautiful girls, all over the world, I could be chasin but my time would be wasted they got nothin on you, baby🎶

Chapter 15: Sidewalk Chalk💛


*after the date*

"Thanks for the awesome date, Louis." I said with a smile as Louis dropped me off at my front door. He winked at me before saying,

"Anytime, lily-pad.". I cringed, sticking my tongue out at him.

"No fair! You don't have an embarrassing nickname, but I do!" I moaned. He only laughed and waved before climbing into his car. I ran inside and plopped on the couch, replaying the entire lunch in my head. So many laughs...I hadn't laughed so hard since the school play in seventh grade. And that was only funny because everyone pretty much failed at acting. I'd had a few boyfriends, but none of them made me feel carefree and happy...like I could be completely myself. My Justin bieber ringtone blasted through the call, so I ran to find my phone. Digging it out of my coat pocket (I had flung my coat onto the couch), I discovered a test message.

"Hey Lillian, it's Niall" Oh, Niall! Irish boy! I quickly texted back,

"Hey, Irish boy. Whats up?" I immediately got a text back,

"Irish boy? AHAHA no. It's irish MAN to you miss Lily-pad!" I frowned at the nickname before laughing a little.

"Oh, so Lou told you about that huh. HEY does he have some embarrassing name I can call him?" I asked excitedly.

"Haha, yeah. His mum calls him boobear." Niall texted me. I burst out laughing, literally falling off the couch.

"OHMYGOD. Wowww. Thanks so much Irishman! I owe ya one." I texted. I texted Louis next.

"Thanks for the amazing date, boobear ;)" I texted, instantly getting a reply.

"BOOBEAR? NIALL TOLD YOU, DIDN'T HE?!?!" wow, someone likes caps!

"Good lord Louis, no need to Yell. And I prefer to not reveal my secrets. :)" I replied.

"Yeah yeah. Well I'm glad you liked the date, lily-pad. You looked gorgeous...we should go out again sometime." Louis texted.

"course! That'd be fun" I texted back happily.

"Hey, what If you come over right now? You can meet all my bandmates!" Louis' text read. I thought for a moment before replying.

"Sure! Pick me up? I have no clue where u r" I texted. Within minutes, I heard my doorbell ring. Louis' here!

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